This is one of my favourite fighting games of all time.
It's very similar to its predecessor, Warrior's Dreams, so much so that it can be seen as an improved version of the same game - the main improvement being 8 new playable characters.
New additions include:
5 new playable characters Dhalsim, Zangief, Gen, Rolento, and Sakura.
3 characters from Warriors Dreams are now playable: M. Bison, Akuma, and Dan
LP,MP,HK with at least 1 meter starts a custom combo.
The scene transitions use a big Z shape. Makes more sense with the original title Street Fighter Zero.
All supers use quarter circles. The number of buttons pressed determines the level of super.
You can use QCB+punch or kick to get out of guard stun and perform an Alpha Counter.
The start button is a taunt.
Throw is forward+HP.
According to, Zangief's 360 moves can be performed with the cardinal directions only, and you can start in any direction, e.g. URDL or LURD.
The backgrounds of Alpha 2 are astoundingly well-drawn. The Tokyo house with the boy playing a video game, and the neighboring houses lovingly rendered in the background. And the truck stage where the blinking lights on the truck reflect off the exhaust pipe metal. The Shanghai stage has puddles with splash effects, rings, and reflections of the fighters. Such incredible detail.
Log entries
Completed the game with Ken on Hard 2 (4/8) difficulty.
Completed the game with Ryu on Normal (2/8) difficulty using 4 continues (MAME).
Completed the game with Akuma on 4/8 difficulty.
Played in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection on PS4.
I've been supporting Jose Tejada on Patreon. He has now recreated the CPS2 in FPGA form, and I can start playing these games on my MiSTer. I installed the MRAs and other files as explained by the instructions, and after running the update_all script, SFA2 booted up.
Completed the game with Charlie on Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
Charlie plays like Guile and is lots of fun.
Completed the game with Akuma on Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed the game with Ken on Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed the game with Guy on Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed the game with Birdie on Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed the game with Ryu on Easiest difficulty (MiSTer).
I played through 'Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha', which is an updated version of this game, released only in Japan.
Erik and I played an hour of Street Fighter, and I learned how the Alpha Counters work, although I very rarely managed to pull one off.
I learned that you can emulate a joypad on the MiSTer by setting up keyboard keys in the system menu and then pressing ScrollLock or NumLock to switch modes when a core is loaded. I set up the keys like I normally do, ASDF for directions, JKL; for face buttons, and UI for shoulder buttons. Thus, key mappings for console games will work like I expect them to. However, for mapping this to an 6-button arcade system is less obvious. I ended up setting up the same mapping I would have on Super Street Fighter II on SNES, which I think of as the canonical fighting game console port.
Completed the game with Ryu on Normal (2/8) difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed using keyboard controls. I'm playing with more precisou, but my fingers do get tired. I need to build up some more keyboard muscles.
Completed the game with Sagat on Normal (2/8) difficulty (MiSTer).
Completed using keyboard controls.
Completed the game with Sakura on Normal (2/8) difficulty (MiSTer).
Most Street Fighter games are amazing when playing with a friend, but not all of them are fun in single-player. In the more difficult games, you are forced to play in a robotic way that exploits weaknesses in the AI opponents. Since there are so many games and ports in this series, this overview might be handy for casual Street Fighter fans.
Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.