Star Wars Battlefront II (PlayStation 4)

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Log entries

  • After watching Ben Minto explain and show how the audio is implemented in this game, I felt like I had to try it. The Frostbite Engine is very impressive, especially their graphical scripting tools, and how well their systems handle the controlled chaos that is the Battlefield and Battlefront games. It also became very clear how much the Battlefront games are based on the Battlefield games. Not a bad framework, for sure.
  • The game was 199 DKK on the PS Store. However, it was also on EA Access, Electronic Arts' game subscription service, which was 195 DKK for a year. So I got one year subscription, and now I can play a few other EA-published games as well. Pretty good deal.
  • Over 100 GB download. For a 6 hour single-player campaign. It better look and sound real cool.
  • While downloading, I played the 'Arcade' mode, which was a very easy single-player battle vs. AI. I got to play as the First Order, and wreaked havoc with Kylo Ren.
  • 2019-10-07
  • I started playing the campaign. It's fun to play Star Wars.
  • 2019-10-11
  • This campaign doesn't seem very good. The Luke Skywalker section was particularly silly and not fun to play. It's too bad, I really enjoyed their renditions of the classic Star Wars ships and vehicles, and I even think the cutscenes are enjoyable.
  • It's pretty clear that this is a modification of Battlefield. A lot of the Star Wars stuff, including the weapon types, maps directly onto Battlefield. Unlike the Battlefield I campaign, I actually enjoyed the space combat sequences (think WWI dogfighting) more than the FPS parts, except for one frustrating moment of boarding a ship, which was confusing and annoying. In general, I feel this fairly loose FPS should give the player more health to allow for a bit of randomness without going to a game over screen.
  • I tried the 'Arcade Mode' which is local team deathmatch and other modes with bots. It's very configurable, and seems to support splitscreen. The two matches I played were fun, if not so dynamic. I think the hero characters are supposed to create variation in the matches, but the bots were playing too poorly, and never spawned a hero. I think this mode is worth playing, if nothing else to see the maps, which are very nostalgic for an old Star Wars fan.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19