Fire Power (Amiga)

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            Series : Fire Power
         Developer : Silent Software
             Genre : Base Attack
            Themes : Military

not completed.

Exciting top-down strategic tank combat game, where you attempt to capture an AI-controlled army base with a tank while defending your own base from attacks.

Knocking on the front door


Scores - MiSTer:
 1469 ............  on 2021-09-08

Log entries

  • Played a lot of Fire Power, never won a game. :)
  • 2013-12-07
  • Oh, man, I wish someone had told that Fire Power had a 1995 3DO sequel, 'Return Fire', that was released for the PlayStation in 1996. I should have played that.
  • 2021-09-08
  • After playing the unofficial Pico-8 Zeewolf port Zedwolf, I've been thinking about base attack games, and Fire Power was the earliest game of this type I've played. I booted it up on my MiSTer, and methodically started destroying the enemy base. I think the objective is to destroy the large buildings, and one of them has a flag to capture or something. I didn't succeed.
  • Got the score 1469 in MiSTer. I played a single failed round, but with a decent score.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.4 2024-07-08