Return Fire (PlayStation)

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            Series : Fire Power
         Developer : Silent Software
             Genre : Base Attack
          Features : Local Versus Multiplayer
                     Split screen
            Themes : Military

      Achievements :

not completed.

Reichart Kurt von Wolfsheild wrote Fire Power in 1987, and in an interview with Amiga Resource he stated 'I believe in playing games with people, not with computers,' showing a keen interest in developing multiplayer games. The sequel to 'Fire Power', 'Return Fire', came out for the 3DO in 1995, and was ported to PlayStation and Windows the following year. It is based on the same 'capture the flag' mechanics with the same emphasis on multiplayer as 'Fire Power', but expands the playable vehicles with helicopters, jeeps, and armored support vehicles, and adds a bunch of levels.



  • This game runs at 60 FPS, dropping to 30 FPS when there is too much going on.
  • The soundtrack is a bunch of classics:
    • Richard Wagner: 'Ride of the Valkyries' (1870)
    • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: 'Flight on the Bumblebee' (1900)
    • Gustav Holst: 'Mars' (1917)
    and others.
  • The splitscreen multiplayer runs with the same frame rate as the single player.
  • According to the manual for the unreleased Sega Saturn version, you can refuel ground vehicles at fuel depots (the round containers) and restock ammo at ammo depots (don't know what they look like). 'Don't sit still too long while refueling or reloading. Enemy drones will find you on their RADAR and attack'
  • Apparently, ammo depots are *tents*.
  • Lou Gehrig - after winning a game, you get a famous snippet from New York Yankees star player Lou Gehrig's speech on July 4th, 1939. He retired after getting diagnosed with ALS, also known as 'Lou Gehrig's disease'. Why this is in the game, I'll probably never understand.


  • Reichart Kurt von Wolfsheild (creator): I believe in playing games with people, not with computers. (From COMPUTE!'s Amiga Resource June 1989)
  • From the manual:

    The Helicopter, Tank, and ASV can each withstand some enemy fire. Their RADAR screens will show you how bad the damage is. As you take direct hits, a red (turning to yellow) filled circle will begin to spread outward on the RADAR screen. The larger the circle, the closer you are to destruction. Get back to your bunker to repair the vehicle. Because the Humvee has no RADAR and can take only one hit before it's destroyed, there's no warning before destruction.

Log entries

  • Yes, Fire Power II for the PlayStation seems cool - the frame rate is good. Completed the tutorial level, 'The Cakewalk'.
  • Completed one of(?) the second levels, 'Powder Puff'.
  • Completed another levels, 'Will's Agony'.
  • I just blew up a lot of buildings and ran over the fleeing survivors with my tank, resulting in the Fire Power-esque 'splat' sound. Satisfied with my work, I pressed 'Start' to pause the game. And then ... a message from Department of the Army - United States of America: 'DON'T PLAY IT, DO IT. BE ALL YOU CAN BE... 1(800)USA-ARMY'. Based on what I just played .... *shudder*
  • Completed level 'Curl Up and Die'.
  • Completed all stage 2 levels.
  • 2017-12-26
  • I played a long and slightly boring level. The first couple of levels are not that interesting due to the lack of opposition.
  • 2022-01-06
  • This also seems to work on the newest MiSTer PSX core.
  • 2022-11-13
  • I played a few levels on the MiSTer.
  • 2022-11-20
  • I played two rounds with Erik in versus mode. This game is so much fun!
  • 2022-11-21
  • Completed all the level 3 missions.
  • 2022-11-23
  • I played a quick mission before work. I'm now getting attacked by enemy choppers. The Armored Support Vehicle (ASV) handles the choppers without problems, and is also good for ground attacks, but I need to figure out how to stop the choppers once and for all, because they make short work of my Jeeps.
  • According to Encyclopedia Gamia, the enemy drones only spawn when your vehicle is stationary. I should try to verify this.
  • 2022-11-24
  • I played another mission before work, and tested out the Jeep's triangle ability to inflate its tires and sail on deep water. I also learned how to shoot down enemy drones with my tank, which is a big help. I looked for the ammo depot, but couldn't find it.
  • 2022-11-28
  • This is a test of my new text rendering, SylteMarkup, based on Markdown. For now, you can make references:

    Game links: [Fire Power](@746) Fire Power

    Year links: [1987](year:1987) 1987

    Images: ![Fire Power screenshot](/images_full/firepower_amiga.png "Description text")

    Fire Power screenshot

    Apart from these special links, it has the usual Markdown stuff, such as bullet lists:

    • Hey
    • There
    • Dude
  • 2022-11-30
  • Completed all stage 4 levels.


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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11