Proper Games
Proper Games
Completed only
Games developed: 1 games in database, 0 completed (0%). Year range: 2009-2009, median: 2009.
💾 Flock! Proper Games 360 2009 1 logs
Videos Games ported: 1 games in database, 0 completed (0%). Year range: 2010-2010, median: 2010.
💾 Final Fight: Double Impact Capcom 360 2010 1 logs
Videos Debug ocdgamer.rb:381:output_game_list(
1 games, mode:list, tag id:349, sortby:title,
url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true)
execution time:
output_game_list: 0.17s
get_all_entries : 0.06s
developer : 0.09s
system : 0.00s
entries : 0.00s
1 games, mode:list, tag id:349, sortby:title,
url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:false)
execution time:
output_game_list: 0.22s
get_all_entries : 0.09s
developer : 0.06s
system : 0.00s
entries : 0.00s
Sitemap Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11