Xbox 360

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features

Xbox 360

Microsoft 2005


Title ↓Year ↓

230 games in database, 143 completed (62%). Year range: 2005-2014, median: 2006.
list - box art - screenshots

 Aban Hawkins & the 1000 SPIKES                          Nicalis                         360       2011                               4 logs
 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation                                                       360       2007                               9 logs
 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon                                                             360       2011                               9 logs
 Aces of the Galaxy                                      Artech                          360       2008                               3 logs
 After Burner Climax                                     Sega                            360       2010                    M  ***     4 logs
 AirMech Arena                                           Carbon Games                    360       2014                              11 logs
 Alan Wake                                               Remedy Entertainment            360       2010                    C          8 logs
 Alice: Madness Returns                                  Spicy Horse                     360       2011                               1 logs
 Alien Breed Evolution                                   Team17                          360       2009                    C          2 logs
 Assassin's Creed II                                     Ubisoft Montreal                360       2009                    C         10 logs
 BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner2                              Gaijin Games                    360       2013                               5 logs
 Bang Bang Racing                                        Playbox                         360       2012                    C         13 logs
 Bastion                                                 Supergiant Games                360       2011                               4 logs
 Batman: Arkham Asylum                                   Rocksteady                      360       2009                    C          6 logs
 Batman: Arkham City                                     Rocksteady                      360       2011                    C         20 logs
 Battle Fantasia                                         Arc System Works                360       2007                    C  x 9    11 logs
 Battlefield 1943                                        Digital Illusions               360       2009                    M  ***     5 logs
 Battlefield: Bad Company                                Digital Illusions               360       2008         1 video               1 logs
 Bayonetta                                               Platinum Games                  360       2010                    C         12 logs
 Bejeweled 3                                             PopCap                          360       2010                               5 logs
 Bionic Commando                                         Grin                            360       2009                    C          9 logs
 Bionic Commando: Rearmed                                Grin                            360       2008                    C          3 logs
 Bioshock                                                Irrational Games                360       2007                    C          3 logs
 Bioshock Infinite                                       Irrational Games                360       2013                               4 logs
 BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger                              Arc System Works                360       2009                    C  x 3     6 logs
 BloodRayne: Betrayal                                    WayForward Technologies         360       2011                               3 logs
 Bomberman Live                                                                          360       2007                               1 logs
 Borderlands                                             Gearbox Software                360       2009         1 video    M  ***    39 logs
 Borderlands 2                                           Gearbox Software                360       2012                    C         14 logs
 Braid                                                   Number None                     360       2008                    C          3 logs
 Brink                                                   Splash Damage                   360       2011                               1 logs
 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons                            Starbreeze Studios              360       2013                               1 logs
 Call of Duty: Black Ops                                 Treyarch                        360       2010                    C         14 logs
 Call of Duty: Black Ops II                              Treyarch                        360       2012                    C          8 logs
 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2                          Infinity Ward                   360       2009                    C  x 2    20 logs
 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3                          Infinity Ward                   360       2011                               7 logs
 Castle Crashers                                         The Behemoth                    360       2008                    C          3 logs
 Castlevania: Harmony of Despair                         Konami                          360       2010                               1 logs
 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow                            MercurySteam                    360       2010                    C         34 logs
 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night                                                      360       2007                               5 logs
 Child of Eden                                           Q Entertainment                 360       2011                    C          2 logs
 Chime                                                   Zoe Mode                        360       2010                               1 logs
 Civilization Revolution                                 Firaxis                         360       2008                    C          6 logs
 Colin McRae: Dirt 2                                     Codemasters                     360       2009                    C         27 logs
 Condemned 2: Bloodshot                                  Monolith                        360       2008                    C          7 logs
 Condemned: Criminal Origins                             Monolith                        360       2005                    C          1 logs
 Costume Quest                                           Double Fine                     360       2010                    M  ***     5 logs
 Crysis                                                  Crytek                          360       2007                               2 logs
 Crysis 2                                                Crytek                          360       2011                    C         15 logs
 DJ Hero                                                                                 360       2009                    C          9 logs
 DJ Hero 2                                                                               360       2010                    C          5 logs
 Dante's Inferno                                         Visceral Games                  360       2010                    C          6 logs
 Dark Souls                                              FromSoftware                    360       2011  Sep               C         76 logs
 Dark Souls II                                           FromSoftware                    360       2014                               6 logs
 Darksiders                                              Vigil Games                     360       2010                    C          5 logs
 Darksiders II                                           Vigil Games                     360       2012                               4 logs
 Dead Rising                                             Capcom                          360       2006                               2 logs
 Dead Rising 2                                           Blue Castle Games               360       2010                               3 logs
 Dead Rising 2: Case Zero                                Blue Castle Games               360       2010                    C         20 logs
 Dead Space                                              Visceral Games                  360       2008                    C         11 logs
 Dead Space 2                                            Visceral Games                  360       2011                    C  x 2    32 logs
 Dead Space 3                                            Visceral Games                  360       2013                    C         30 logs
 Deathsmiles: Deluxe Edition                             Cave                            360       2007                    C  x 4     5 logs
 Deus Ex: Human Revolution                               Eidos Montreal                  360       2011                               1 logs
 Devil May Cry 4                                         Capcom                          360       2008                    C  x 2     3 logs
 Dirt 3                                                  Codemasters                     360       2011                    C          4 logs
 DmC: Devil May Cry                                      Ninja Theory                    360       2013                    C  x 3    33 logs
 Doom                                                    id Software                     360       2006                    C         10 logs
 Double Dragon Neon                                      WayForward Technologies         360       2012         3 videos   C          3 logs
 Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale                          Bedlam Games                    360       2011                               1 logs
 EA Sports MMA                                           Tiburon Entertainment           360       2010                               2 logs
 Earth Defense Force 2017                                Sandlot                         360       2006                    C         16 logs
 EDF: Insect Armageddon                                  Vicious Cycle                   360       2011                    C          5 logs
 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin                              Monolith                        360       2009                    C         17 logs
 Fable III                                               Lionhead Studios                360       2010                               1 logs
 Fallout 3                                               Bethesda Game Studios           360       2008                    C  x 2    23 logs
 Far Cry 2                                               Ubisoft Montreal                360       2008                               1 logs
 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon                                 Ubisoft Montreal                360       2013                               3 logs
 Feeding Frenzy                                          PopCap                          360       2006         1 video    C          1 logs
 Fez                                                     Polytron Corporation            360       2012                    C         18 logs
 Final Fantasy XIII                                      Squaresoft                      360       2009                               6 logs
 Final Fight: Double Impact                              Capcom                          360       2010                               1 logs
 Flock!                                                  Proper Games                    360       2009                               1 logs
 Fruit Ninja Kinect                                      Halfbrick Studios               360       2011                               3 logs
 Galaga Legions DX                                                                       360       2011                    M  ***    17 logs
 Game Room                                               Krome Studios                   360       2010                               1 logs
 Garou: Mark of the Wolves                               SNK                             360       2009         1 video    C  x 5     6 logs
 Gatling Gears                                           W!Games                         360       2011                    C         12 logs
 Gears of War                                            Epic Games                      360       2006                    C  x 2     7 logs
 Gears of War 2                                          Epic Games                      360       2008         1 video    C  x 4    18 logs
 Gears of War 3                                          Epic Games                      360       2011         3 videos   C  x 5    46 logs
 Gears of War: Judgment                                  People Can Fly                  360       2013                    C  x 2    15 logs
 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved                            Raising Hell Software           360       2005                               2 logs
 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2                          Raising Hell Software           360       2008                               1 logs
 Grand Theft Auto V                                      DMA Design                      360       2013                               3 logs
 Greed Corp                                              W!Games                         360       2010                               3 logs
 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock                        Neversoft Entertainment         360       2007                    C          2 logs
 Guitar Hero World Tour                                  Neversoft Entertainment         360       2008         1 video              10 logs
 Guitar Hero: Metallica                                  Neversoft Entertainment         360       2009                               1 logs
 Guwange                                                 Cave                            360       2010                    C          2 logs
 Halo 3                                                  Bungie                          360       2008                    C         10 logs
 Halo 3: ODST                                            Bungie                          360       2009                    C          9 logs
 Halo 4                                                  343 Industries                  360       2012         1 video    C  x 3    20 logs
 Halo: Reach                                             Bungie                          360       2010         3 videos   C  x 2    19 logs
 Harms Way                                                                               360       2010                    M  ***     1 logs
 Hexic HD                                                Carbonated Games                360       2005                    C          6 logs
 Hydro Thunder Hurricane                                                                 360       2010                               1 logs
 Ikaruga                                                 Treasure                        360       2008                               4 logs
 Injustice: Gods Among Us                                Midway                          360       2013                    C  x 11   17 logs
 Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet                          Shadow Planet Productions       360       2011                    C          1 logs
 Iron Brigade                                            Double Fine                     360       2011                               2 logs
 Joy Ride Turbo                                          BigPark                         360       2012         1 video               1 logs
 Kinect Adventures                                                                       360       2010                               1 logs
 Limbo                                                   Playdead                        360       2010                    C          4 logs
 Lollipop Chainsaw                                       Grasshopper Manufacture         360       2012                    C          9 logs
 Lumines Live!                                           Q Entertainment                 360       2006                               2 logs
 MTG - Duels of the Planeswalkers                                                        360       2009                    C         21 logs
 Magic: The Gathering 2013                                                               360       2012                               5 logs
 Marble Blast Ultra                                      GarageGames                     360       2006                               2 logs
 Mark of the Ninja                                       Klei Entertainment              360       2012                               1 logs
 Marvel vs. Capcom 2                                                                     360       2009                    C  x 2     2 logs
 Marvel vs. Capcom 3                                                                     360       2011                    C  x 10   10 logs
 Mass Effect                                             BioWare                         360       2007                               5 logs
 Mass Effect 2                                           BioWare                         360       2010                               3 logs
 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance                          Platinum Games                  360       2013                    C         12 logs
 Metal Gear Solid 2                                      Konami                          360       2011         9 videos   C         53 logs
 Metal Gear Solid HD                                     Konami                          360       2011                               1 logs
 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker                          Konami                          360       2011         8 videos   C         10 logs
 Metal Slug 3                                                                            360       2008                               2 logs
 Might & Magic: Duel of Champions                        Ubisoft Quebec                  360       2014                               2 logs
 Mirror's Edge                                           Digital Illusions               360       2008                    C          3 logs
 Mortal Kombat                                           NetherRealm Studios             360       2011                    C  x 35   61 logs
 Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe                           Midway                          360       2008                    C  x 5     5 logs
 Mutant Storm Empire                                     PomPom Games                    360       2007                    C          1 logs
 Mutant Storm Reloaded                                   PomPom Games                    360       2005                    C          5 logs
 NBA Jam: On Fire Edition                                Distinctive Software            360       2011         3 videos             12 logs
 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit                             Criterion                       360       2010                    C  x 2     7 logs
 Need for Speed: Most Wanted                             Criterion                       360       2012                               1 logs
 NeoGeo Battle Coliseum                                  SNK                             360       2010                    C          1 logs
 Ninja Blade                                             FromSoftware                    360       2009                               1 logs
 Ninja Gaiden II                                         Team Ninja                      360       2008                    C  x 2     6 logs
 Outland                                                 Housemarque                     360       2011                               2 logs
 Pac-Man Championship Edition                            Bandai Namco Games              360       2007         1 video    M  ***    12 logs
 Pac-Man Championship Edition DX                         Namco                           360       2010                    C         21 logs
 Peggle Deluxe                                           PopCap                          360       2009                    C          1 logs
 Persona 4 Arena                                         Arc System Works                360       2012                    C  x 7     8 logs
 Pinball FX                                              Zen Studios                     360       2007                               3 logs
 Pinball FX 2                                            Zen Studios                     360       2010                               9 logs
 Poker Smash                                             Void Star Creations             360       2008                               2 logs
 Portal                                                  Valve                           360       2007                    C          3 logs
 Portal 2                                                Valve                           360       2011                    C  x 2     7 logs
 PowerUp Forever                                                                         360       2008                               1 logs
 R-Type                                                  Southend Interactive            360       2009                              13 logs
 R-Type Dimensions                                                                       360       2009                               1 logs
 R-Type II                                               Southend Interactive            360       2009                               6 logs
 Race Driver: Grid                                       Codemasters                     360       2008                              14 logs
 Radiant Silvergun                                       Treasure                        360       2011                               3 logs
 Rage                                                    id Software                     360       2011                    C         30 logs
 Rayman Legends                                          Ubisoft Montpellier             360       2013                    C         17 logs
 Rayman Origins                                          Ubisoft Montpellier             360       2011                    C         21 logs
 Red Dead Redemption                                     Angel Studios                   360       2010                               1 logs
 Red Faction: Guerrilla                                  Volition                        360       2009                    C  x 2    17 logs
 Renegade Ops                                            Avalanche Studios               360       2011                    C  x 4    23 logs
 Resident Evil 5                                         Capcom                          360       2009                    C          7 logs
 Resident Evil 6                                         Capcom                          360       2012                    C  x 2    37 logs
 Rock Band Blitz                                         Harmonix                        360       2012                               1 logs
 Rocket Knight                                           Climax Studios                  360       2010         1 video    C          2 logs
 Samurai Shodown II                                      SNK                             360       2008         1 video    C          6 logs
 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game                   Chengdu Ubi                     360       2010                    C          2 logs
 Shadow Complex                                          Chair Entertainment             360       2009                    C          4 logs
 Shadows of the Damned                                   Grasshopper Manufacture         360       2011                    C         16 logs
 Shank                                                   Klei Entertainment              360       2010                    C  x 2     2 logs
 Shank 2                                                 Klei Entertainment              360       2012                    C          7 logs
 Silent Hill Homecoming                                  Double Helix                    360       2008                    C          6 logs
 Silent Hill: Downpour                                   VATRA                           360       2012                    C          8 logs
 Sine Mora                                               Digital Reality                 360       2012                    C          7 logs
 Singularity                                             Raven Software                  360       2010                    C          4 logs
 Sleeping Dogs                                                                           360       2012                    C         22 logs
 Sonic CD                                                Sonic Team                      360       2011                    C          5 logs
 Sonic Generations                                       Sonic Team                      360       2011                    C         10 logs
 Sonic the Hedgehog                                      Sonic Team                      360       2011                               1 logs
 Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1                         Sonic Team                      360       2010                               2 logs
 Soulcalibur IV                                          Project Soul                    360       2008                    C  x 4     6 logs
 Soulcalibur V                                           Project Soul                    360       2012                    C  x 11   19 logs
 Spartacus Legends                                                                       360       2013                               3 logs
 Spelunky                                                Mossmouth                       360       2012                              18 logs
 Splatterhouse                                           Namco                           360       2010                    C  x 4    33 logs
 Splatterhouse 2                                                                         360       2010                               1 logs
 Splosion Man                                            Twisted Pixel                   360       2009                               1 logs
 SF III: 3rd Strike                                      Capcom                          360       2011                    C  x 5     7 logs
 Street Fighter IV                                       Dimps                           360       2009                    C  x 2    10 logs
 Street Fighter X Tekken                                 Capcom                          360       2012                    C  x 5    11 logs
 Super Meat Boy                                          Team Meat                       360       2010                               4 logs
 Super Street Fighter II T.HDR                                                           360       2008                    C  x 2     4 logs
 Super Street Fighter IV                                 Dimps                           360       2010                    C  x 47   66 logs
 Super Time Force                                        Capybara                        360       2014                    C          8 logs
 Syndicate                                               Starbreeze Studios              360       2012                    C          6 logs
 Tekken 6                                                Bandai Namco Games              360       2009                    M  ***    23 logs
 Tekken Tag Tournament 2                                 Bandai Namco Games              360       2012                    M  ***    58 logs
 Tenchu Z                                                K2 LLC                          360       2006                              16 logs
 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim                             Bethesda Game Studios           360       2011                    C         21 logs
 The Gunstringer                                         Twisted Pixel                   360       2011                               1 logs
 King of Fighters 98                                                                     360       2009         2 videos   C  x 2     2 logs
 The King of Fighters XII                                SNK                             360       2009                    C  x 3     3 logs
 The King of Fighters XIII                               SNK                             360       2011                    C  x 4     5 logs
 The Maw                                                 Twisted Pixel                   360       2009                    C          2 logs
 Winterbottom                                                                            360       2010                               2 logs
 The Pinball Arcade                                      FarSight Studios                360       2012                               2 logs
 Tomb Raider                                             Crystal Dynamics                360       2013                    C          6 logs
 Toy Soldiers: Cold War                                  Signal Studios                  360       2011         1 video    C          6 logs
 Transformers: Fall of Cybertron                         High Moon Studios               360       2012                    C         18 logs
 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen                     Luxoflux                        360       2009                    C         12 logs
 Transformers: War for Cybertron                         High Moon Studios               360       2010                    C         11 logs
 Trials Evolution                                                                        360       2012                    C         10 logs
 Trials HD                                                                               360       2009                               1 logs
 UFC 2009 Undisputed                                     Yuke's                          360       2009                    C  x 2     7 logs
 Ultra Street Fighter IV                                 Dimps                           360       2014                    C          4 logs
 Vanquish                                                Platinum Games                  360       2010                    C         19 logs
 Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown                         Sega                            360       2012                    M  ***     5 logs
 WWE '13                                                 Yuke's                          360       2012                    C         11 logs
 WWE All-Stars                                           Midway Studios San Diego        360       2011         1 video    C  x 9    18 logs
 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007                              Yuke's                          360       2006                    C          8 logs
 Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team                             Juice Games                     360       2011                    M  ***    11 logs
 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine                          Relic Entertainment             360       2011                    C         17 logs
 X-Men Origins: Wolverine                                Raven Software                  360       2009                    C          5 logs
 XCOM: Enemy Unknown                                     Firaxis                         360       2012                    C         31 logs
 Zombie Apocalypse                                       Nihilistic Software             360       2009                               2 logs
 Zuma                                                    PopCap                          360       2005                               1 logs
 Zuma's Revenge!                                         PopCap                          360       2009                    C          2 logs
 ilomilo                                                 Southend Interactive            360       2010                               1 logs


Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360)

Xbox Game Pass-through

Borderlands (Xbox 360)

Getting Truly Outrageous

Double Dragon Neon (Xbox 360)

Mission 9-10
Mission 1-3
Mission 4-8

Feeding Frenzy (Xbox 360)

Full playthrough

Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Xbox 360)

Butt, Rock, Bogard

Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360)

Horde Casual Wave 1-10

Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)

Horde Normal Wave 1-8
Horde Casual Wave 1-10
Beating Horde lvl 50 with Jauert

Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360)

Bass and Guitar

Halo 4 (Xbox 360)

Spartan Ops Episode 1 Chapter 1-3

Halo: Reach (Xbox 360)

Overlook Firefight Score 9599 [VIDEO BROKEN]
Beachhead Firefight Score 11017
Glacier Firefight Score 8465

Joy Ride Turbo (Xbox 360)

Joy Ride Turbo

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - HD Edition (Xbox 360)

1 - Tanker
2 - Liquid Ocelot
3 - Raiden
4 - Bomb Disposal
5 - Fatman
6 - The President
7 - Vamp
8 - The Patriots
The S3 Plan

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Xbox 360)

1 - Big Boss
2 - Chico
3 - Pupa
4 - Chrysalis
5 - Cocoon
6 - Prison Escape
7 - Chasing Peace
8 - Final Battle

NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (Xbox 360)

1 - Best BBall Game
2 - Shaq Time
3 - Bulls, 76ers, SuperSonics

Pac-Man Championship Edition (Xbox 360)

Pac-Man Championship Edition 1

Rocket Knight (Xbox 360)

Full Playthrough

Samurai Shodown II (Xbox 360)


The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match (Xbox 360)

Terry, Heavy D, Ryo
Brian, Mr. Karate, Yamazaki

Toy Soldiers: Cold War (Xbox 360)

Mission 1-3

WWE All-Stars (Xbox 360)

2011-27-08 Justice Bundle


    230 games, mode:list, tag id:22, sortby:title,
    url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true)

  execution time:
   output_game_list: 2.14s
   get_all_entries : 0.06s
   developer       : 0.01s
   system          : 0.00s
   entries         : 0.78s


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.6 2025-02-04