Aban Hawkins & the 1000 SPIKES Nicalis 360 2011 4 logs Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 360 2007 9 logs Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 360 2011 9 logs Aces of the Galaxy Artech 360 2008 3 logs After Burner Climax Sega 360 2010 M *** 4 logs AirMech Arena Carbon Games 360 2014 11 logs Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment 360 2010 C 8 logs Alice: Madness Returns Spicy Horse 360 2011 1 logs Alien Breed Evolution Team17 360 2009 C 2 logs Assassin's Creed II Ubisoft Montreal 360 2009 C 10 logs BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner2 Gaijin Games 360 2013 5 logs Bang Bang Racing Playbox 360 2012 C 13 logs Bastion Supergiant Games 360 2011 4 logs Batman: Arkham Asylum Rocksteady 360 2009 C 6 logs Batman: Arkham City Rocksteady 360 2011 C 20 logs Battle Fantasia Arc System Works 360 2007 C x 9 11 logs Battlefield 1943 Digital Illusions 360 2009 M *** 5 logs Battlefield: Bad Company Digital Illusions 360 2008 1 video 1 logs Bayonetta Platinum Games 360 2010 C 12 logs Bejeweled 3 PopCap 360 2010 5 logs Bionic Commando Grin 360 2009 C 9 logs Bionic Commando: Rearmed Grin 360 2008 C 3 logs Bioshock Irrational Games 360 2007 C 3 logs Bioshock Infinite Irrational Games 360 2013 4 logs BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Arc System Works 360 2009 C x 3 6 logs BloodRayne: Betrayal WayForward Technologies 360 2011 3 logs Bomberman Live 360 2007 1 logs Borderlands Gearbox Software 360 2009 1 video M *** 39 logs Borderlands 2 Gearbox Software 360 2012 C 14 logs Braid Number None 360 2008 C 3 logs Brink Splash Damage 360 2011 1 logs Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Starbreeze Studios 360 2013 1 logs Call of Duty: Black Ops Treyarch 360 2010 C 14 logs Call of Duty: Black Ops II Treyarch 360 2012 C 8 logs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Infinity Ward 360 2009 C x 2 20 logs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Infinity Ward 360 2011 7 logs Castle Crashers The Behemoth 360 2008 C 3 logs Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Konami 360 2010 1 logs Castlevania: Lords of Shadow MercurySteam 360 2010 C 34 logs Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 360 2007 5 logs Child of Eden Q Entertainment 360 2011 C 2 logs Chime Zoe Mode 360 2010 1 logs Civilization Revolution Firaxis 360 2008 C 6 logs Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Codemasters 360 2009 C 27 logs Condemned 2: Bloodshot Monolith 360 2008 C 7 logs Condemned: Criminal Origins Monolith 360 2005 C 1 logs Costume Quest Double Fine 360 2010 M *** 5 logs Crysis Crytek 360 2007 2 logs Crysis 2 Crytek 360 2011 C 15 logs DJ Hero 360 2009 C 9 logs DJ Hero 2 360 2010 C 5 logs Dante's Inferno Visceral Games 360 2010 C 6 logs Dark Souls FromSoftware 360 2011 Sep C 76 logs Dark Souls II FromSoftware 360 2014 6 logs Darksiders Vigil Games 360 2010 C 5 logs Darksiders II Vigil Games 360 2012 4 logs Dead Rising Capcom 360 2006 2 logs Dead Rising 2 Blue Castle Games 360 2010 3 logs Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Blue Castle Games 360 2010 C 20 logs Dead Space Visceral Games 360 2008 C 11 logs Dead Space 2 Visceral Games 360 2011 C x 2 32 logs Dead Space 3 Visceral Games 360 2013 C 30 logs Deathsmiles: Deluxe Edition Cave 360 2007 C x 4 5 logs Deus Ex: Human Revolution Eidos Montreal 360 2011 1 logs Devil May Cry 4 Capcom 360 2008 C x 2 3 logs Dirt 3 Codemasters 360 2011 C 4 logs DmC: Devil May Cry Ninja Theory 360 2013 C x 3 33 logs Doom id Software 360 2006 C 10 logs Double Dragon Neon WayForward Technologies 360 2012 3 videos C 3 logs Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale Bedlam Games 360 2011 1 logs EA Sports MMA Tiburon Entertainment 360 2010 2 logs Earth Defense Force 2017 Sandlot 360 2006 C 16 logs EDF: Insect Armageddon Vicious Cycle 360 2011 C 5 logs F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Monolith 360 2009 C 17 logs Fable III Lionhead Studios 360 2010 1 logs Fallout 3 Bethesda Game Studios 360 2008 C x 2 23 logs Far Cry 2 Ubisoft Montreal 360 2008 1 logs Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Ubisoft Montreal 360 2013 3 logs Feeding Frenzy PopCap 360 2006 1 video C 1 logs Fez Polytron Corporation 360 2012 C 18 logs Final Fantasy XIII Squaresoft 360 2009 6 logs Final Fight: Double Impact Capcom 360 2010 1 logs Flock! Proper Games 360 2009 1 logs Fruit Ninja Kinect Halfbrick Studios 360 2011 3 logs Galaga Legions DX 360 2011 M *** 17 logs Game Room Krome Studios 360 2010 1 logs Garou: Mark of the Wolves SNK 360 2009 1 video C x 5 6 logs Gatling Gears W!Games 360 2011 C 12 logs Gears of War Epic Games 360 2006 C x 2 7 logs Gears of War 2 Epic Games 360 2008 1 video C x 4 18 logs Gears of War 3 Epic Games 360 2011 3 videos C x 5 46 logs Gears of War: Judgment People Can Fly 360 2013 C x 2 15 logs Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Raising Hell Software 360 2005 2 logs Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Raising Hell Software 360 2008 1 logs Grand Theft Auto V DMA Design 360 2013 3 logs Greed Corp W!Games 360 2010 3 logs Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Neversoft Entertainment 360 2007 C 2 logs Guitar Hero World Tour Neversoft Entertainment 360 2008 1 video 10 logs Guitar Hero: Metallica Neversoft Entertainment 360 2009 1 logs Guwange Cave 360 2010 C 2 logs Halo 3 Bungie 360 2008 C 10 logs Halo 3: ODST Bungie 360 2009 C 9 logs Halo 4 343 Industries 360 2012 1 video C x 3 20 logs Halo: Reach Bungie 360 2010 3 videos C x 2 19 logs Harms Way 360 2010 M *** 1 logs Hexic HD Carbonated Games 360 2005 C 6 logs Hydro Thunder Hurricane 360 2010 1 logs Ikaruga Treasure 360 2008 4 logs Injustice: Gods Among Us Midway 360 2013 C x 11 17 logs Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Shadow Planet Productions 360 2011 C 1 logs Iron Brigade Double Fine 360 2011 2 logs Joy Ride Turbo BigPark 360 2012 1 video 1 logs Kinect Adventures 360 2010 1 logs Limbo Playdead 360 2010 C 4 logs Lollipop Chainsaw Grasshopper Manufacture 360 2012 C 9 logs Lumines Live! Q Entertainment 360 2006 2 logs MTG - Duels of the Planeswalkers 360 2009 C 21 logs Magic: The Gathering 2013 360 2012 5 logs Marble Blast Ultra GarageGames 360 2006 2 logs Mark of the Ninja Klei Entertainment 360 2012 1 logs Marvel vs. Capcom 2 360 2009 C x 2 2 logs Marvel vs. Capcom 3 360 2011 C x 10 10 logs Mass Effect BioWare 360 2007 5 logs Mass Effect 2 BioWare 360 2010 3 logs Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Platinum Games 360 2013 C 12 logs Metal Gear Solid 2 Konami 360 2011 9 videos C 53 logs Metal Gear Solid HD Konami 360 2011 1 logs Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Konami 360 2011 8 videos C 10 logs Metal Slug 3 360 2008 2 logs Might & Magic: Duel of Champions Ubisoft Quebec 360 2014 2 logs Mirror's Edge Digital Illusions 360 2008 C 3 logs Mortal Kombat NetherRealm Studios 360 2011 C x 35 61 logs Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Midway 360 2008 C x 5 5 logs Mutant Storm Empire PomPom Games 360 2007 C 1 logs Mutant Storm Reloaded PomPom Games 360 2005 C 5 logs NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Distinctive Software 360 2011 3 videos 12 logs Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Criterion 360 2010 C x 2 7 logs Need for Speed: Most Wanted Criterion 360 2012 1 logs NeoGeo Battle Coliseum SNK 360 2010 C 1 logs Ninja Blade FromSoftware 360 2009 1 logs Ninja Gaiden II Team Ninja 360 2008 C x 2 6 logs Outland Housemarque 360 2011 2 logs Pac-Man Championship Edition Bandai Namco Games 360 2007 1 video M *** 12 logs Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Namco 360 2010 C 21 logs Peggle Deluxe PopCap 360 2009 C 1 logs Persona 4 Arena Arc System Works 360 2012 C x 7 8 logs Pinball FX Zen Studios 360 2007 3 logs Pinball FX 2 Zen Studios 360 2010 9 logs Poker Smash Void Star Creations 360 2008 2 logs Portal Valve 360 2007 C 3 logs Portal 2 Valve 360 2011 C x 2 7 logs PowerUp Forever 360 2008 1 logs R-Type Southend Interactive 360 2009 13 logs R-Type Dimensions 360 2009 1 logs R-Type II Southend Interactive 360 2009 6 logs Race Driver: Grid Codemasters 360 2008 14 logs Radiant Silvergun Treasure 360 2011 3 logs Rage id Software 360 2011 C 30 logs Rayman Legends Ubisoft Montpellier 360 2013 C 17 logs Rayman Origins Ubisoft Montpellier 360 2011 C 21 logs Red Dead Redemption Angel Studios 360 2010 1 logs Red Faction: Guerrilla Volition 360 2009 C x 2 17 logs Renegade Ops Avalanche Studios 360 2011 C x 4 23 logs Resident Evil 5 Capcom 360 2009 C 7 logs Resident Evil 6 Capcom 360 2012 C x 2 37 logs Rock Band Blitz Harmonix 360 2012 1 logs Rocket Knight Climax Studios 360 2010 1 video C 2 logs Samurai Shodown II SNK 360 2008 1 video C 6 logs Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game Chengdu Ubi 360 2010 C 2 logs Shadow Complex Chair Entertainment 360 2009 C 4 logs Shadows of the Damned Grasshopper Manufacture 360 2011 C 16 logs Shank Klei Entertainment 360 2010 C x 2 2 logs Shank 2 Klei Entertainment 360 2012 C 7 logs Silent Hill Homecoming Double Helix 360 2008 C 6 logs Silent Hill: Downpour VATRA 360 2012 C 8 logs Sine Mora Digital Reality 360 2012 C 7 logs Singularity Raven Software 360 2010 C 4 logs Sleeping Dogs 360 2012 C 22 logs Sonic CD Sonic Team 360 2011 C 5 logs Sonic Generations Sonic Team 360 2011 C 10 logs Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic Team 360 2011 1 logs Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Sonic Team 360 2010 2 logs Soulcalibur IV Project Soul 360 2008 C x 4 6 logs Soulcalibur V Project Soul 360 2012 C x 11 19 logs Spartacus Legends 360 2013 3 logs Spelunky Mossmouth 360 2012 18 logs Splatterhouse Namco 360 2010 C x 4 33 logs Splatterhouse 2 360 2010 1 logs Splosion Man Twisted Pixel 360 2009 1 logs SF III: 3rd Strike Capcom 360 2011 C x 5 7 logs Street Fighter IV Dimps 360 2009 C x 2 10 logs Street Fighter X Tekken Capcom 360 2012 C x 5 11 logs Super Meat Boy Team Meat 360 2010 4 logs Super Street Fighter II T.HDR 360 2008 C x 2 4 logs Super Street Fighter IV Dimps 360 2010 C x 47 66 logs Super Time Force Capybara 360 2014 C 8 logs Syndicate Starbreeze Studios 360 2012 C 6 logs Tekken 6 Bandai Namco Games 360 2009 M *** 23 logs Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bandai Namco Games 360 2012 M *** 58 logs Tenchu Z K2 LLC 360 2006 16 logs The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Bethesda Game Studios 360 2011 C 21 logs The Gunstringer Twisted Pixel 360 2011 1 logs King of Fighters 98 360 2009 2 videos C x 2 2 logs The King of Fighters XII SNK 360 2009 C x 3 3 logs The King of Fighters XIII SNK 360 2011 C x 4 5 logs The Maw Twisted Pixel 360 2009 C 2 logs Winterbottom 360 2010 2 logs The Pinball Arcade FarSight Studios 360 2012 2 logs Tomb Raider Crystal Dynamics 360 2013 C 6 logs Toy Soldiers: Cold War Signal Studios 360 2011 1 video C 6 logs Transformers: Fall of Cybertron High Moon Studios 360 2012 C 18 logs Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Luxoflux 360 2009 C 12 logs Transformers: War for Cybertron High Moon Studios 360 2010 C 11 logs Trials Evolution 360 2012 C 10 logs Trials HD 360 2009 1 logs UFC 2009 Undisputed Yuke's 360 2009 C x 2 7 logs Ultra Street Fighter IV Dimps 360 2014 C 4 logs Vanquish Platinum Games 360 2010 C 19 logs Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Sega 360 2012 M *** 5 logs WWE '13 Yuke's 360 2012 C 11 logs WWE All-Stars Midway Studios San Diego 360 2011 1 video C x 9 18 logs WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 Yuke's 360 2006 C 8 logs Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Juice Games 360 2011 M *** 11 logs Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Relic Entertainment 360 2011 C 17 logs X-Men Origins: Wolverine Raven Software 360 2009 C 5 logs XCOM: Enemy Unknown Firaxis 360 2012 C 31 logs Zombie Apocalypse Nihilistic Software 360 2009 2 logs Zuma PopCap 360 2005 1 logs Zuma's Revenge! PopCap 360 2009 C 2 logs ilomilo Southend Interactive 360 2010 1 logs
Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360)
Borderlands (Xbox 360)
Double Dragon Neon (Xbox 360)
Feeding Frenzy (Xbox 360)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Xbox 360)
Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360)
Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)
Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360)
Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
Halo: Reach (Xbox 360)
Joy Ride Turbo (Xbox 360)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - HD Edition (Xbox 360)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Xbox 360)
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition (Xbox 360)
Pac-Man Championship Edition (Xbox 360)
Rocket Knight (Xbox 360)
Samurai Shodown II (Xbox 360)
The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match (Xbox 360)
Toy Soldiers: Cold War (Xbox 360)
WWE All-Stars (Xbox 360)
ocdgamer.rb:364:output_game_list( 230 games, mode:list, tag id:22, sortby:title, url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true) execution time: output_game_list: 2.14s get_all_entries : 0.06s developer : 0.01s system : 0.00s entries : 0.78s