I bought Persona 4 a while ago, but started playing tonight for the first time. Jakobu Sumitu has just arrived in Inaba, and everyone is being very nice to him. It feels a bit strange that I already know everyone from the Giant Bomb Endurance Run, even though I haven't played the game before.
I defeated Yosukes shadow by hitting it with a few Zios and a golf club.
Goddammit, Dojima! You can't just leave Nanako alone all day! Argh, that part of the story is heartbreaking...
Entered Yukiko's Castle! The game has begun!
I reached Shadow Yukiko and she murdered me. I need to optimize my strategy a bit, I guess.
I just came back from doing a presentation in Warsaw, put on Persona 4, and started alternating between playing for a couple of minutes and falling asleep for a couple of hours. I did manage to beat Shadow Yukiko before giving up and going to bed.
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