Dirt 5 (Xbox One)

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            Series : Colin McRae Rally
         Developer : Evolution Studios
             Genre : Racing games
          Features : Split screen
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass

      Achievements : trueachievements.com

not completed.
Image source: 3dnews.ru

Log entries

  • Malu wanted us to play a split-screen racing game, and this was free on Game Pass. I didn't have high expectations, but it was still a big letdown: I set the quality settings to prioritize frame rate, so the resolution was incredibly low, yet the frame rate in split-screen seemed to be below 30 FPS or maybe an unstable sub-60 FPS. And apart from that, the game feels like MotorStorm, which is not surprising, taking into account that this game was developed by 'Codemaster Chesire', formerly known as Evolution Studios, makers of the MotorStorm games.

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External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.4.1 2024-08-09