Series : Space Gun Developer : Taito Music : Norihiro Furukawa, Naoto Yagishita Genre : Lightgun shooter Graphics : Bitmap-based 3D Themes : Horror Bio-horror Hardware : Motorola 68000 Zilog Z80 Ports : Space Gun (1992 SMS) Space Gun (1992 Amiga) Achievements :
I was fascinated by this Alien-inspired overly violent arcade lightgun shooter as a school kid. I can specifically remember playing it and 'Crude Buster' (also known as 'Two Crude Dudes') on a boat trip with my school. Ah, memories.
I later got it for my Amiga, but never completed it. The music on the title screen of the Amiga version was awesome, though. Composed by Matthew Simmonds, which I know from the soundtracks of Leander, Agony, and Chuck Rock.
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