Series : Diablo Developer : Blizzard Entertainment Genres : Action role playing game Diablo-like Themes : Hell Other Tags : dungeons Trophies : truetrophies.com
You have to associate your account with a Battle.net account. You see your ID ('Battletag') in the SOCIAL menu, if you try adding a new friend.
Malu is excited for doing co-op in the new Diablo game, so I preordered a physical copy for PS5, which is cheaper than the cheapest digital edition.
The host of this site was down between June 10th and today due to a hardware failure. I felt a bit homeless in this time, because this and other of my websites were down, but the main problem was in my work, where we use this host as a production server for our company. Now it's back up and I can log that we have been playing and enjoying the early parts of Diablo IV a lot, and we are now around level 25. I'm playing Beastor, a druid were-bear that destroys everything in its path, and Malu is a sorcerer, freezing and burning enemies with powerful magic. The game is great, character building is complex but well-explained in a way that reminds me of Magic: the Gathering - I'm particularly impressed with how well-designed the skill tree is. The game also seems well-balanced on World Tier II, it's mostly easy, and then, once in a while, the challenge makes it feel exciting. The graphics is amazingly detailed, and sound design and music is very satisfying.
I started a new Barbarian character (named 'Fightor', of course) and played the first hour.
We managed to associate the Lightbearer Mount bonus horse skin I got with the game with Malu's account. She didn't get it at first, but then she signed in and out a few times, and then it worked.
I have used an awesome weapon for a while with the 'Aspect of the Ursine Horror' that turns the two-pawed Pulverize bear attack into an Earth Skill that summons rocks from the ground. It is so good, that I have been using it for too long, and now the weapon has become obsolete. I got Malu to show me how to first extract the Aspect (which destroys the weapon), and then transfer it to a new and better weapon. Very cool.
We're halfway through the game and got horses!
Paragon mode now engaged. I guess I don't get more character skill points from this point forward.
We defeated Lilith and completed Act VI. The ending was confusing, but it was fun to play, like the rest of the game.