Nethack (Multi-platform Computer Games)

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features audio

            Genres : Roguelike
                     Randomized Levels
          Graphics : Text Art
      Release Info : Open Source
          Hardware : Keyboard control

not completed.


Scores - Nethack 4:
 29744 ...........  on 2015-09-12
 29132 ...........  on 2016-12-05
 21310 ...........  on 2016-12-05

Other scores:
 13693 ...........  on 2015-08-18
 12563 ...........  on 2014-04-19
  3818 ...........  on 2014-04-14
  2708 ...........  on 2015-09-08
  2065 ...........  on 2014-04-19
  1927 ...........  on 2014-04-15
  1358 ...........  on 2013-10-21
   967 ...........  on 2014-04-14
   743 ...........  on 2013-10-20
   594 ...........  on 2013-10-20
   320 ...........  on 2014-04-14
   265 ...........  with Wizard on 2015-09-06

Scores - Tourist:
 3501 ............  on 2015-09-06
 1996 ............  on 2015-09-06
  116 ............  on 2015-09-05
   76 ............  on 2015-09-05

Log entries

  • Started my first real game of Nethack on the very server that is currently hosting OCDgamer. I currently only know Nethack as 'the one with the dog that uses vi keys'.
  • 2013-10-13
  • Oh no, I wanted to resume my still-running first game of Nethack, but then I drank a potion that turned me blind, and then I was bitten by a Jackal and turned into a Werejackal. Now I'm a blind naked Werejackal in a dungeon. A cruel fate indeed.
  • OK, both the blindness and the werejackal-ness wore off. And now I think I miss roaming around the dungeon with my Jackal buddies...
  • 2013-10-20
  • Got the score 594. My human monk died on level 3
  • New character, died immediately by eating the corpse of the first monster encountered, a Kobold Zombie.
  • Take out what? b - a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE
    This game is weird!!!
  • Got the score 743. My Orc Barbarian roamed the dungeon, killing and eating stuff, and was killed by a Giant Bat while stunned by a Floating Eye.
  • 2013-10-21
  • Salat the Barbarian killed himself ingloriously by bumping into a wall while blind.
  • Flygel the Knight ventured bravely into the depths of the dungeons on his pony. Unfortunately, weak with hunger, he ended up eating the pony.
  • Got the score 1358. ... And then he was bitten by a Rabid Rat on level 6 and died. Fare thee well Flygel the Knight.
  • 2014-04-14
  • After learning that you can identify items by putting them on an altar (even one that is not aligned with your god), I wanted to try Nethack again. I'm playing as a Knight, riding through the dungeons on my pony.
  • Oh no, Acid Blobs can squeeze under closed doors...
  • Got the score 320. Trying to mount my pony after it defeated the Acid Blob, I slipped, fell, and died. Description of my character '[...] you were lucky, you are dead'.
  • Playing as an Orc Barbarian, I eat my first Hobbit. Delicious.
  • You see a cave spider drop out of your pack! Its cries sound like 'daddy?'
  • Hmm... Now I have a pet spider.
  • Also, I entered an armor shop and bought a +2 bronze plate mail and now I'm Armor Class -1. Cool.
  • I was seduced by a Wood Nymph, who then stole my helmet, but I found her and smote her. Smote?
  • Dammit, those Blue Jellys are hard to kill!
  • I was stuck in a room where there were two exits towards the staircase; both exits led to tunnels blocked by Blue Jellys, just sitting there and giving huge amounts of damage each time I tried to attack them. I was extremely low on hitpoints when a Gray Unicorn entered the room and attacked me. I am now stuck in a dark tunnel with a Blue Jelly and can't go outside without certain Unicorn impalement. What to do?
  • I was encumbered, but I dropped some stuff. Cloaks weigh can 10 (pounds?), pretty heavy.
  • I have more or less given up on killing the Blue Jellys. I'll try reading some random scrolls, hoping for a teleport. Knowing Nethack, I'll probably end up dead soon.
  • No wait, I'll try fighting the Gray Unicorn.
  • Got the score 3818. DAMNITDAMNITDAMNIT!! I killed the Gray Unicorn and a Giant Bat in the room, but then I was Stunned and walked straight into the Blue Jelly, which froze and killed me. I hate Blue Jellys.
  • The travel command ' _ ' is pretty efficient. For example, just type ' _>. ' to fast-travel to the exit.
  • A Kobold Lord threw darts at my Orc Barbarian. Annoyed, I threw some darts back at him. We threw darts at each other, until he died from a dart-related injury. Serves him right, stupid Kobold Lord.
  • Got the score 967. It's important to check your equipment once in a while. I had picked up a ring, and wanted to wear it ( W ), but accidentally wielded it ( w ) as a weapon. As it turned out, the ring was no match for a Pony. I also learned that uncursed potions can still be bad, such as potions of sickness and confusion.
  • I think I have entered the Gnomish Mines. Exciting with a new dungeon layout type...
  • And I was killed by a Dwarf in the mines.
  • Identify Scrolls are the only scrolls that cost 20 Zorkmids.
  • 2014-04-15
  • Got the score 1927. Damn Werejackals and their Pony friends...
  • 2014-04-19
  • Got the score 2065. Snylre the Wanderer, my level 6 Gnomish Caveman, was killed on dungeon level 5 by at least 11 jackals after exiting the Gnomish Mines.
  • Myldre the level 1 Wizard was killed by his own kitten after putting on a Ring of Conflict.
  • I was trapped by falling rocks in the Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 11. After inspecting my inventory, I found a Wand of Digging and managed to get free.
  • Got the score 12563. I prayed to Set one time too many and he punished me by removing an experience level. Guess the deities are a limited resource. Shortly after, my Orc Barbarian was killed by an Invisible Stalker. I was carrying a spellbook of identify without knowing. If only I could have identified it. However, Muslingeslambert the Barbarian was pretty successful, he vanquished no less than 144 creatures.
  • 2015-08-11
  • Schmid the Human put on two rings, and then he turned into Schmid the Forest Nymph, then transmuted into Schmid the Forest Centaur. What the hell is going on?
  • And now I met the Oracle of Delphi, who bestowed some weird factoids upon me.
  • 2015-08-12
  • When I returned to human form, I removed my Ring of Polymorph and put on a Cursed Amulet of Strangulation and died.
  • 2015-08-17
  • Eating a tin of spinach is highly recommended. :)
  • 2015-08-18
  • Got the score 13693. I accidentally quit my best game of Nethack in the Gnomish Mines (level 10). Quit doesn't save. Dammit. My Orc Barbarian was ridiculously strong after eating a lot of tins of spinach.
  • 2015-09-05
  • Got the score 76 in Tourist. My newest Nethack thing is trying to playing as the Tourist class and seeing how far I can get. Haven't gotten to dungeon level 2 yet.
  • Got the score 116 in Tourist. A rock fell on my head.
  • Scrolls of Identify can randomly be really powerful, I just identified all my items.
  • On Mac OS X, I created a ~/.nethackrc with my default options:
    OPTIONS=noautopickup, color, dogname:Alfred
  • 2015-09-06
  • Got the score 1996 in Tourist. I had a *great* Tourist run, I was murdering mummys, zombies, kobolds, and jackals with my Dart +2s, and I reached dungeon level 6 - and then I was scratched to death by a kitten.
  • My tourist dude just zapped a Gnome Lord in the mines with his Wand of Lightning, leveling him up. I thought this was a good time to take a screenshot.
  • Got the score 3501 in Tourist. My tourist dude killed 4 Gnome Lords, 18 Gnomes, 6 Dwarves, and 30 other creatures. He met his end in a hole full of Cave Spiders and even more Gnomes in dungeon level 8.
  • Discoveries: I can kick stuff around with Ctrl-D. Spellbooks contain exactly 1 spell. I should also really try to use writing 'Elbereth' on the floor.
  • Got the score 265. First time I played as a Wizard.
  • 2015-09-08
  • I created an Elven Wizard, and he knows the spells of Force Bolt, Protection, and Identify. That seems like an immensely powerful combination.
  • Goddammit! My awesome wizard entered an armor shop, and was attacked by no less than 2 Giant Mimics. I read a scroll of Teleportation to escape the second one with my life intact, but I kind of ate some of the first Mimic, and apparently the shopkeeper thought I ought to pay for the 'meal', so he immediately killed me.
  • Got the score 2708. My poor Elven Wizard.
  • 2015-09-12
  • Got the score 29744 in Nethack 4. Nethack 4 is a fork of classic Nethack based on SDL with many user interface improvements. I've played with the DawnHack tileset, which looks really neat compared to most other graphical tilesets. I reached dungeon level 5 with Samurasmus the Samurai.
  • 2016-12-05
  • I've been playing a game of Nethack 4 on the OCDgamer server for a couple of days, and my Rogue has reached dungeon level 4.
  • Got the score 29132 in Nethack 4. ... And then he was bitten to death by an Iguana in dungeon level 5 while confused by a spellbook of Polymorph.
  • Got the score 21310 in Nethack 4. A great Tourist run, John knew the Magic Missile spell and stabbed 20 creatures to death with an elven dagger. He fled from a Gnomish King from level 5 to level 4, only to be trapped by a Homunculus and a Jackal.
  • 2016-12-06
  • I streamed 3 Tourist runs to Youtube. The third one went pretty well, until John III was killed by a Dwarf in the Gnomish Mines.


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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11