1976 games

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1976 Games

Wikipedia: 1976 in video gaming - MobyGames: Browse 1976 - The International Arcade Museum: 1976

9 games in database, 0 completed (0%). Year range: 1976-1976, median: 1976.
list - box art - screenshots

 Blockade                                                Gremlin Industries              Arcade    1976                               1 logs
 Breakout                                                Atari                           Arcade    1976                               4 logs
 BSD Trek                                                Eric Allman                     UNIX      1976                               2 logs
 Death Race                                              Exidy                           Arcade    1976                               2 logs
 Sea Wolf                                                Dave Nutting                    Arcade    1976                               2 logs
 Space Mission                                           Williams                        Pinball   1976                               2 logs
 Sprint 2                                                Kee Games                       Arcade    1976                               2 logs
 Starship 1                                                                              Arcade    1976                               1 logs
 The Amazing Maze Game                                   Midway                          Arcade    1976         1 video               3 logs


The Amazing Maze Game (Arcade)

MiSTer Arcade


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19