
🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features audio




Completed only

94 games in database, 0 completed (0%). Year range: 1957-2023, median: 1989.
list - box art - screenshots

 AC/DC                                                   Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2012                               1 logs
 Ace High                                                Gottlieb                        Pinball   1957                               3 logs
 Amazon Hunt II                                          Gottlieb                        Pinball   1987                               2 logs
 Attack from Mars                                        Midway                          Pinball   1995                               4 logs
 Banzai Run                                              Williams                        Pinball   1988         1 video               2 logs
 Batman                                                  Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2008                               2 logs
 Baywatch                                                Sega                            Pinball   1995                               2 logs
 Big Brave                                               Gottlieb                        Pinball   1974                               1 logs
 Big Shot                                                Gottlieb                        Pinball   1973                               3 logs
 Black Hole                                              Gottlieb                        Pinball   1981                               7 logs
 Black Knight                                            Williams                        Pinball   1980  Nov    1 video               2 logs
 Centaur                                                 Midway                          Pinball   1981         1 video               2 logs
 Central Park                                            Gottlieb                        Pinball   1966         2 videos              8 logs
 Class of 1812                                           Gottlieb                        Pinball   1991                               1 logs
 Corvette                                                Midway                          Pinball   1994                               1 logs
 Creature from the Black Lagoon                          Midway                          Pinball   1992                               1 logs
 Cue Ball Wizard                                         Gottlieb                        Pinball   1992                               1 logs
 Cyclone                                                 Williams                        Pinball   1988         1 video               1 logs
 Dr. Dude                                                Midway                          Pinball   1990                               5 logs
 Earthshaker                                             Williams                        Pinball   1989         1 video               1 logs
 El Dorado City of Gold                                  Gottlieb                        Pinball   1984                               1 logs
 Elvira and the Party Monsters                           Bally                           Pinball   1989         1 video               2 logs
 Family Guy                                              Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2007                               1 logs
 Fathom                                                  Bally                           Pinball   1980  Dec    2 videos              2 logs
 Firepower                                               Williams                        Pinball   1980  Feb    3 videos              6 logs
 Firepower II                                            Williams                        Pinball   1983         1 video               1 logs
 Flight 2000                                             Stern Electronics               Pinball   1980  Oct    2 videos              3 logs
 Fun Land                                                                                Pinball   1968                               1 logs
 Funhouse                                                Williams                        Pinball   1990                               3 logs
 Genie                                                   Gottlieb                        Pinball   1979                               5 logs
 Ghostbusters                                            Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2016         1 video               3 logs
 Godzilla                                                Sega                            Pinball   1998                               1 logs
 Goin' Nuts                                              Gottlieb                        Pinball   1983                               3 logs
 Gorgar                                                  Williams                        Pinball   1979                               2 logs
 Grand Prix                                              Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2005                               2 logs
 Harley-Davidson                                         Sega                            Pinball   1999                               2 logs
 Haunted House                                           Gottlieb                        Pinball   1982                               2 logs
 Hi Straight                                             J. H. Keeney                    Pinball   1959                               1 logs
 Hyperball                                               Williams                        Pinball   1981                               1 logs
 Indiana Jones, The Pinball Adventure                    Williams                        Pinball   1993                               3 logs
 Jack-Bot                                                Williams                        Pinball   1995         2 videos              3 logs
 Jive Time                                               Williams                        Pinball   1970                               1 logs
 Johnny Mnemonic                                         Williams                        Pinball   1995                               1 logs
 Laser Ball                                              Williams                        Pinball   1979                               1 logs
 Last Lap                                                Playmatic                       Pinball   1978                               1 logs
 Medieval Madness                                        Williams                        Pinball   1997                               1 logs
 Metallica                                               Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2013                               1 logs
 Mousin' Around                                          Midway                          Pinball   1989                               1 logs
 Paragon                                                 Bally                           Pinball   1979         1 video               1 logs
 Pin-Bot                                                 Williams                        Pinball   1986                               2 logs
 Pistol Poker                                            Alvin G.                        Pinball   1993                               1 logs
 Playboy 35th Anniversary                                Data East                       Pinball   1989                               1 logs
 Red & Ted's Road Show                                   Williams                        Pinball   1994         1 video               1 logs
 Ripley's Believe It or Not!                             Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2004                               1 logs
 RoboCop                                                 Data East                       Pinball   1989         1 video               3 logs
 Safe Cracker                                            Bally                           Pinball   1996         1 video               1 logs
 Scared Stiff                                            Midway                          Pinball   1996                               3 logs
 Sing Along                                              Gottlieb                        Pinball   1967                               2 logs
 Sorcerer                                                Williams                        Pinball   1985         1 video               3 logs
 Space Mission                                           Williams                        Pinball   1976                               2 logs
 Space Shuttle                                           Williams                        Pinball   1984                               2 logs
 Spanish Eyes                                            Williams                        Pinball   1972         1 video               3 logs
 Star Mission                                                                            Pinball   1977                               1 logs
 Star Trek: The Next Generation                          Williams                        Pinball   1993                               1 logs
 Star Wars                                               Data East                       Pinball   1992         1 video               2 logs
 Star Wars (Stern)                                                                       Pinball   2017                               1 logs
 Starship Troopers                                       Sega                            Pinball   1997         1 video               2 logs
 Strato-Flite                                            Williams                        Pinball   1974                               1 logs
 Street Fighter II                                       Premier Technology              Pinball   1993                               2 logs
 TX-Sector                                               Premier Technology              Pinball   1988                               1 logs
 Tales from the Crypt                                    Data East                       Pinball   1993                               2 logs
 Tales of the Arabian Nights                             Williams                        Pinball   1996                               3 logs
 Taxi                                                    Williams                        Pinball   1988                               1 logs
 Tee'd Off                                               Gottlieb                        Pinball   1993                               1 logs
 Terminator 2: Judgment Day                              Williams                        Pinball   1991                               5 logs
 The Addams Family                                       Midway                          Pinball   1992         1 video               4 logs
 The Getaway: High Speed II                              Williams                        Pinball   1992                               1 logs
 The Lord of the Rings                                   Stern Pinball                   Pinball   2003                               1 logs
 The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot                           Williams                        Pinball   1991         1 video               2 logs
 The Party Zone                                          Midway                          Pinball   1991         1 video               2 logs
 The Phantom of the Opera                                Data East                       Pinball   1990         1 video               1 logs
 The Simpsons                                            Data East                       Pinball   1990         1 video               4 logs
 Theatre of Magic                                        Midway                          Pinball   1995                               2 logs
 Triple X                                                Williams                        Pinball   1972                               1 logs
 Twilight Zone                                           Bally                           Pinball   1993                               1 logs
 Venom                                                                                   Pinball   2023                               1 logs
 Victory                                                 Gottlieb                        Pinball   1987                               1 logs
 Wild Card                                               Williams                        Pinball   1977         1 video               1 logs
 Wild Life                                               Gottlieb                        Pinball   1972                               1 logs
 Wild Wild West                                          Gottlieb                        Pinball   1969                               1 logs
 Wipe Out                                                Gottlieb                        Pinball   1993         1 video               1 logs
 Wizard of Oz                                            Jersey Jack                     Pinball   2013                               1 logs
 World Cup Soccer                                        Bally                           Pinball   1994         1 video               1 logs
 Xenon                                                   Bally                           Pinball   1980  Nov    3 videos              5 logs


Banzai Run (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Black Knight (Pinball)

40 Years Ago

Centaur (Pinball)

SCORE 2877410

Central Park (Pinball)

SCORE 4454
SCORE 5395

Cyclone (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 2

Earthshaker (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

Elvira and the Party Monsters (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 2

Fathom (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7
40 Years Ago

Firepower (Pinball)

SCORE 779060
SCORE 860500
40 Years Ago

Firepower II (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Flight 2000 (Pinball)

SCORE 2655860
40 Years Ago

Ghostbusters (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Jack-Bot (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1
Hung Over Pinball 2

Paragon (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Red & Ted's Road Show (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

RoboCop (Pinball)

Visual Pinball: Data East

Safe Cracker (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

Sorcerer (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Spanish Eyes (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Star Wars (Pinball)

Visual Pinball: Data East

Starship Troopers (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

The Addams Family (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 2

The Party Zone (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

The Phantom of the Opera (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

The Simpsons (Pinball)

Visual Pinball: Data East

Wild Card (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Wipe Out (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

World Cup Soccer (Pinball)

Oops, Bought Season 7

Xenon (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1
Hung Over Pinball 2
40 Years Ago


    94 games, mode:list, tag id:42, sortby:title,
    url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true)

  execution time:
   output_game_list: 12.78s
   get_all_entries : 0.12s
   developer       : 0.26s
   system          : 0.00s
   entries         : 0.28s


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11