1991 games

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1991 Games

Wikipedia: 1991 in video gaming - MobyGames: Browse 1991 - The International Arcade Museum: 1991

189 games in database, 22 completed (12%). Year range: 1991-1991, median: 1991.
list - box art - screenshots

 4D Sports Boxing                                        Distinctive Software            Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Action 52                                               Active Enterprises              NES       1991                               5 logs
 Adventure Island II                                                                     NES       1991                               1 logs
 Air Buster                                              Kaneko                          GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Alien Breed                                             Team17                          Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Amnios                                                  Flying Chicken                  Amiga     1991         2 videos   C          6 logs
 Another World                                           Delphine Software               Amiga     1991                    C          1 logs
 Arcus Odyssey                                                                           GEN       1991         1 video               2 logs
 Armadillo                                               AIM                             NES       1991                               1 logs
 Armour-Geddon                                           Paul Hunter                     Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Atomic Punk                                                                             GB        1991                               1 logs
 Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe                                                      GG        1991         1 video               1 logs
 Barbarian II                                            Pandamonium                     Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess                          Blizzard Entertainment          Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Battle Isle                                             Blue Byte                       Amiga     1991                               6 logs
 Battletoads                                             Rare                            NES       1991                               1 logs
 Birds Of Prey                                           Argonaut                        Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Black Hornet                                            PAL Developments                Amiga     1991                               3 logs
 Blade Warrior                                           Jason Kingsley                  Amiga     1991         1 video               1 logs
 Blockout                                                PZK                             GEN       1991                               4 logs
 Bomberman II                                            Hudson Soft                     NES       1991                               1 logs
 Bonanza Brothers                                        Sega                            GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Bubble Bath Babes                                                                       NES       1991                               3 logs
 Captain Commando                                        Capcom                          CPS       1991         2 videos   C          2 logs
 Catacomb 3-D                                            id Software                     DOS       1991                               1 logs
 Chuck Rock                                                                              GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Chuck Rock                                              Core Design                     Amiga     1991                               4 logs
 Class of 1812                                           Gottlieb                        Pinball   1991                               1 logs
 Cowboy Kid                                                                              NES       1991                               4 logs
 Crisis Force                                            Konami                          NES       1991                    C          9 logs
 CrossFire                                                                               GEN       1991         1 video               3 logs
 Crude Buster                                            Data East                       Arcade    1991                               1 logs
 Dahna: Megami Tanjō                                     Information Global Service      GEN       1991         1 video               2 logs
 Darius Twin                                             Taito                           SNES      1991         1 video               1 logs
 Dead Moon                                                                               PCE       1991                               1 logs
 Detana!! TwinBee                                                                        PCE       1991                               3 logs
 Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone                      Technos Japan                   Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Earth Defense Force                                                                     SNES      1991                               1 logs
 Exile                                                                                   GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Eye of the Beholder                                     Westwood                        DOS       1991                    C         30 logs
 Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon          Westwood                        DOS       1991         1 video              11 logs
 F-22 Interceptor                                        Lerner Research                 GEN       1991                               2 logs
 F1 Exhaust Note                                         Sega                            System32  1991                               1 logs
 Fatal Fury                                              SNK                             Neogeo    1991  Nov    1 video    C  x 2     9 logs
 Fatal Rewind                                            Raising Hell Software           GEN       1991         1 video               3 logs
 Final Fight                                             Capcom                          Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 FireHawk                                                Dizzy Enterprises               NES       1991         1 video               5 logs
 First Samurai                                           Vivid Image                     Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Frankenstein: The Monster Returns                       TOSE                            NES       1991         1 video               1 logs
 G-Loc: Air Battle                                                                       GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Gain Ground                                             Sega                            GEN       1991         2 videos              9 logs
 Galaxy Force II                                                                         GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Gallop - Armed Police Unit                              Irem                            M72       1991         1 video               2 logs
 Gateway to the Savage Frontier                          Beyond Software                 DOS       1991                               1 logs
 Gauntlet III: The Final Quest                           Software Creations              Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Ghost Battle                                            Interactive Design              Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Gods                                                    The Bitmap Brothers             Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Golden Axe II                                                                           GEN       1991         1 video    C          2 logs
 Gorillas                                                                                DOS       1991                               1 logs
 Great Courts 2                                          Blue Byte                       Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Growl                                                   Taito                           GEN       1991         1 video               2 logs
 GunForce: Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island            Irem                            M92       1991                               2 logs
 Heavy Nova                                              Holocronet                      GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Heimdall                                                The 8th Day                     Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 High Speed                                              Rare                            NES       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Hugo                                                                                    Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade                      Software Creations              NES       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Insects in Space                                        Sensible Software               Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 International Ninja Rabbits                             Flair Software                  C64       1991                               1 logs
 Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road                 Leland Corporation              NES       1991                               1 logs
 Jaleco Rally: Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge       Jaleco                          SNES      1991                               1 logs
 James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod                          Vectordean                      Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Jewel Master                                            Sega                            GEN       1991         1 video               2 logs
 Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker                       Archer MacLean                  Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Jungle Jim                                                                              Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Ka-Ge-Ki: Fists of Steel                                                                GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Kinetic Connection                                                                      GG        1991         1 video               1 logs
 Knights of the Round                                    Capcom                          CPS       1991         1 video    C          2 logs
 Leander                                                 Traveller's Tales               Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Lemmings                                                DMA Design                      Amiga     1991                               5 logs
 Llamatron: 2112                                         Llamasoft                       Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Lotus Turbo Challenge 2                                 Magnetic Fields                 Amiga     1991                              15 logs
 Magical Chase                                           Quest Corporation               PCE       1991                               1 logs
 Marble Madness                                                                          GEN       1991                               3 logs
 Marvel Land                                             Namco                           GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Master of Monsters                                      SystemSoft                      GEN       1991  Oct    1 video    C         12 logs
 Master of Weapon                                                                        GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Mega Lo Mania                                           Sensible Software               Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Mercs                                                   Capcom                          GEN       1991                               3 logs
 Metal Black                                             Taito                           Arcade    1991                               1 logs
 Metal Stoker                                            Sankido                         PCE       1991         1 video               1 logs
 MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix                       Geoff Crammond                  Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 MicroProse Golf                                         The Thought Train               Amiga     1991         1 video               3 logs
 Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World              New World Computing             GEN       1991                               2 logs
 Missile Command                                                                         Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Monkey Island 2                                         Lucasfilm Games                 DOS       1991                               1 logs
 Moonstone                                               Mindscape                       Amiga     1991                    C          2 logs
 Ms. Pac-Man                                             Tengen                          GEN       1991                               5 logs
 Narco Police                                            Iron Byte                       Amiga     1991                               3 logs
 Oh No! More Lemmings                                    DMA Design                      Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 OutRun                                                                                  GEN       1991         1 video               4 logs
 Override                                                                                PCE       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Pac-Mania                                                                               GEN       1991         1 video               7 logs
 Paperboy                                                Atari                           GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Parasol Stars                                           Taito                           PCE       1991                               1 logs
 Parodius                                                                                X68K      1991                               1 logs
 Pegasus                                                 Optimus                         Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 PGA Tour Golf                                           Sterling Silver Software        GEN       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Pipe Dream                                              Microsoft                       Win       1991                               1 logs
 Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods                Bullfrog Productions            Amiga     1991                               6 logs
 Puyo Puyo                                               Compile                         MSX2      1991         1 video               1 logs
 Quad Challenge                                          Namco                           GEN       1991                               1 logs
 R-Type Complete CD                                                                      PCECD     1991         1 video               3 logs
 R-Type II                                               Irem                            Amiga     1991         1 video               3 logs
 Racing Damashii                                         Irem                            PCE       1991                               2 logs
 Raiden Trad                                                                             GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Riot City                                               Westone                         System16  1991         1 video    C          2 logs
 Rise of the Dragon                                      Dynamix                         Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Road Rash                                               Electronic Arts                 GEN       1991                               3 logs
 RoadBlasters                                                                            GEN       1991         1 video               2 logs
 Robo Army                                               SNK                             Neogeo    1991                               3 logs
 Rod-Land                                                Jaleco                          Amiga     1991                    C          2 logs
 Rolling Thunder 2                                       Namco                           GEN       1991         1 video               3 logs
 S.C.I.: Special Criminal Investigation                                                  PCE       1991                               1 logs
 Saint Sword                                             Cyclone System                  GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Salamander                                              Konami                          PCE       1991         1 video               3 logs
 Scorched Earth                                                                          DOS       1991                               2 logs
 Sengoku                                                 SNK                             Neogeo    1991                    C          2 logs
 Shadow of the Beast                                     Reflections                     GEN       1991                               5 logs
 Shatterhand                                             Natsume                         NES       1991                               5 logs
 Shining in the Darkness                                 Climax Entertainment            GEN       1991                               3 logs
 Sid Meier's Civilization                                MicroProse                      DOS       1991                               1 logs
 Silent Debuggers                                        Data East                       PCE       1991         1 video               7 logs
 SimAnt                                                  Maxis                           MAC       1991                               1 logs
 SimCity                                                 Maxis                           SNES      1991                               1 logs
 SimCity                                                 Maxis                           NES       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Sonic the Hedgehog                                      Sonic Team                      GEN       1991                               4 logs
 Speedball 2                                             The Bitmap Brothers             GEN       1991                               3 logs
 Spider-Man: The Videogame                               Sega                            System32  1991                               1 logs
 Star Wars: Attack on the Death Star                     MNM Software                    X68K      1991                               2 logs
 Starblade                                                                               Arcade    1991                               1 logs
 Steel Talons                                            Atari                           GEN       1991                               2 logs
 Street Fighter II                                       Capcom                          CPS       1991  Feb    2 videos   C  x 3     7 logs
 Street Smart                                                                            GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Streets of Rage                                         Sega                            GEN       1991                               2 logs
 Super Cars II                                           Magnetic Fields                 Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Super Castlevania IV                                    Konami                          SNES      1991                    C  x 2    16 logs
 Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts                                  Capcom                          SNES      1991                               1 logs
 Super R-Type                                            Irem                            SNES      1991         1 video    C  x 2     9 logs
 Super Smash T.V.                                        Williams                        SNES      1991         1 video               4 logs
 Super Tennis                                            TOSE                            SNES      1991                               2 logs
 Super Twintris                                                                          Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 SWIV                                                    Random Access                   Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Team Suzuki                                             Gremlin                         Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Terminator 2: Judgment Day                              Williams                        Pinball   1991                               5 logs
 The Adventures Of Robin Hood                            Millennium Interactive          Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 The Immortal                                            Sandcastle                      GEN       1991                               1 logs
 The Killing Cloud                                       Vektor Grafix                   Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 The King of Dragons                                     Capcom                          CPS       1991         2 videos   C  x 2     2 logs
 The Legend of the Mystical Ninja                                                        SNES      1991                               1 logs
 LoZ: A Link to the Past                                 Nintendo                        SNES      1991                               4 logs
 The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot                           Williams                        Pinball   1991         1 video               2 logs
 The NewZealand Story                                                                    NES       1991                               1 logs
 The Party Zone                                          Midway                          Pinball   1991         1 video               2 logs
 The Simpsons                                            Konami                          Arcade    1991                    C  x 2     4 logs
 Thrash Rally                                                                            Neogeo    1991         2 videos              3 logs
 Thunderhawk AH-73M                                      Core Design                     Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Tiny Toon Adventures                                                                    NES       1991         1 video               3 logs
 Toki                                                    Ocean France                    Amiga     1991         1 video               2 logs
 Trouble Shooter                                         VIC Tokai                       GEN       1991         1 video               3 logs
 Turbo Sub                                                                               LYNX      1991                               1 logs
 Turrican II: The Final Fight                            Factor 5                        Amiga     1991                    C          3 logs
 Twin Cobra                                              Toaplan                         GEN       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Two Crude Dudes                                         Data East                       GEN       1991         1 video              11 logs
 Undead Line                                             T&E Soft                        GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Verytex                                                 Opera House                     GEN       1991                               1 logs
 Vimana                                                  Toaplan                         Toaplan1  1991         1 video    C          2 logs
 Wacky Races                                             Atlus                           NES       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III                  Taito                           Arcade    1991         1 video    C          1 logs
 Wild Wheels                                             Red Rat                         Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Wings of Wor                                            Masaya                          GEN       1991                               5 logs
 Wonder Boy in Monster World                             Westone                         GEN       1991                               1 logs
 WWF WrestleFest                                         Technos Japan                   Arcade    1991                               1 logs
 WWF WrestleMania                                        Twilight                        Amiga     1991                    C          4 logs
 Xexex                                                   Konami                          Arcade    1991         1 video               2 logs
 Xmas Lemmings (1991)                                    DMA Design                      Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Ys III                                                  Nihon Falcom                    GEN       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Zarathrusta                                             The Wiz Kidz                    Amiga     1991                               3 logs
 Zero Wing                                               Toaplan                         GEN       1991                               1 logs


Amnios (Amiga)

Intro and Gameplay

Arcus Odyssey (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe (Game Gear)

MiSTer Game Gear

Blade Warrior (Amiga)

MiSTer Amiga 1

Captain Commando (CP System)

Captain Commando
6 - DeeJay

CrossFire (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Dahna: Megami Tanjō (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Darius Twin (SNES)


Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon (DOS)

1 - Party Reunion

Fatal Fury: King of Fighters (Neo Geo)

MiSTer Neo Geo

Fatal Rewind (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis 1

FireHawk (NES)

Mission 1-2

Frankenstein: The Monster Returns (NES)


Gain Ground (SEGA Genesis)

Reached ROUND 3
Reached ROUND 4

Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Irem M72 Family)

MiSTer Arcade - M72

Golden Axe II (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Growl (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

High Speed (NES)

MiSTer NES - Pinball

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (NES)


Jewel Master (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Kinetic Connection (Game Gear)

MiSTer Game Gear

Knights of the Round (CP System)

Knights of the Round

Master of Monsters (SEGA Genesis)

CAMP-1.1 - 2.5 hours of fun

Metal Stoker (PC Engine)

MiSTer PC-Engine

MicroProse Golf (Amiga)

MiSTer Amiga

OutRun (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis Racing Games

Override (PC Engine)

MiSTer PC Engine

Pac-Mania (SEGA Genesis)

SCORE 334640

PGA Tour Golf (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Puyo Puyo (MSX2)


R-Type Complete CD (PC Engine CD)

MiSTer Pc-Engine CD

R-Type II (Amiga)

MiSTer Amiga

Riot City (System 16)

MiSTer Full Playthrough

RoadBlasters (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis Racing Games

Rolling Thunder 2 (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Salamander (PC Engine)

MiSTer PC-Engine

Silent Debuggers (PC Engine)

MiSTer PC-Engine

SimCity (NES)


Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (CP System)

Street Fighter II - Ryu
1 - Ryu vs. Truck

Super R-Type (SNES)


Super Smash T.V. (SNES)

SCORE 1195580

The King of Dragons (CP System)

The King of Dragons
2-player coop

The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 2

The Party Zone (Pinball)

Hung Over Pinball 1

Thrash Rally (Neo Geo)

MiSTer Neo Geo 1
MiSTer Neo Geo

Tiny Toon Adventures (NES)


Toki (Amiga)

MiSTer Amiga

Trouble Shooter (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis 1

Twin Cobra (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Two Crude Dudes (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis

Vimana (Toaplan Version 1)

Vimana (Arcade)

Wacky Races (NES)

RetroArch NES - Achievement Hunting

Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III (Arcade)

Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III (Arcade)

Xexex (Arcade)

Terra Cresta, XMultiply, R-Type, Xexex, Donpachi

Ys III (SEGA Genesis)

MiSTer Genesis


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11