CP System

🎲 random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

CP System

Capcom 1988


Title ↓Year ↓

19 games in database, 12 completed (63%). Year range: 1988-1995, median: 1994.
list - box art - screenshots

 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs                                 Capcom                          CPS       1993         1 video    C  x 3     5 logs
 Captain Commando                                        Capcom                          CPS       1991         2 videos   C          2 logs
 Carrier Air Wing                                                                        CPS       1990         1 video    C          1 logs
 Final Fight                                             Capcom                          CPS       1989         2 videos   C  x 6    10 logs
 Forgotten Worlds                                        Capcom                          CPS       1988         1 video               1 logs
 Knights of the Round                                    Capcom                          CPS       1991         1 video    C          2 logs
 Magic Sword                                             Capcom                          CPS       1990         1 video    C          4 logs
 Mega Man: the Power Battle                                                              CPS       1995         1 video               1 logs
 Nemo                                                                                    CPS       1990                               1 logs
 Pnickies                                                Compile                         CPS       1994                               1 logs
 Saturday Night Slam Masters                             Capcom                          CPS       1993         2 videos   C  x 8    10 logs
 Street Fighter II Turbo                                 Capcom                          CPS       1992  Dec                          2 logs
 Street Fighter II: CE                                   Capcom                          CPS       1992         1 video    C          7 logs
 Street Fighter II                                       Capcom                          CPS       1991  Feb    2 videos   C  x 3     6 logs
 Strider                                                 Capcom                          CPS       1989                               1 logs
 The King of Dragons                                     Capcom                          CPS       1991         2 videos   C  x 2     2 logs
 The Punisher                                            Capcom                          CPS       1993                    C          2 logs
 Varth: Operation Thunderstorm                           Capcom                          CPS       1992                               1 logs
 Warriors of Fate                                        Capcom                          CPS       1992                    C          2 logs

    19 games, mode:list, tag id:4, sortby:title,
    url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true)

  execution time:
   output_game_list: 0.12s
   get_all_entries : 0.05s
   developer       : 0.03s
   system          : 0.00s
   entries         : 0.04s


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.4.1 2024-08-09