Street Fighter X Tekken (Xbox 360)

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Man vs. Bear

Log entries

  • Argh!!! There's an insane mammoth charging in the background of one of the levels!
  • That voice-over is WEAK.
  • Fought an incredibly easy battle against Ogre. Better ramp up the difficulty.
  • Completed the game with Guile and Jin on Normal difficulty using 0 continues (Arcade Mode). Fought rival team Jin and Xiayou and an incredibly easy battle against Ogre. Better ramp up the difficulty.
  • 2012-03-14
  • Completed the game with Hwoarang and Law on Normal difficulty using 1 continues (Arcade Mode). Fought rival team M. Bison and Juri and boss Akuma.
  • Completed the game with Heihachi and Yoshimitsu on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode). Fought rival team M. Bison and Juri and boss Akuma.
  • 2012-05-04
  • Played a few matches with Jauert.
  • 2013-02-10
  • Fought rival team Jin and and Xiayou.
  • Completed the game with Ryu and Steve on Normal difficulty using 0 continues (Arcade Mode). Fought rival team Jin and and Xiayou.
  • Completed the game with Sagat and King on Normal difficulty using 0 continues (Arcade Mode). Fought rival team Jin and and Xiayou.
  • 2014-01-31
  • Thor and I wanted to play some SFxT at the friday evening of fighting games. I may not be able to play this properly, but it still is quite fun.


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.6 2025-02-04