Rayman Legends (Xbox 360)

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Rayman Legends

Log entries

  • I got this in the mail today and started playing... It is much like its predecessor, the gameplay is snappy, the levels are full of cool ideas, the graphics is absolutely amazing and the sound and music is so utterly charming.
  • I was a bit surprised to see the ridiculous amount of meta-game crap stuffed into the game: You collect Teensies to unlock levels, you collect Lums to unlock new characters, and get Cups and Lucky Charms, Cups are evaluated as a score, which is ranked on global leaderboards as well as used to increase your Awesomeness rank. Lucky Charms unlock scratch cards, which can be scratched to get more Lums, unlock Paintings, which are bonus levels and minigames, and creatures, which can be harvested for more Lums. On top of that there are Daily Challenges, Weekly Challenges, Daily and Weekly Extreme Challenges. I think that's all of it.
  • I have 77/700 Teensies.
  • 2013-08-31
  • Completed 'Castle Rock'.
  • Oh no, I've been polymorphed into a duck.
  • Completed 'Toad Story'. I *really* like launching the evil Teensy wizards, who by the way are inappropriately squeaking the nose of female Teensies, into space, into the backside of the flying pig constellation, onto a planet where they will be stabbed in the butt forever by little demons.
  • Completed 'Fiesta de los Muertos'. Mariachi version of 'Eye of the Tiger'. Makes sense.
  • Stealth water levels? Seems like a recipe for disaster... But actually, it's pretty good!
  • Arggggghhhh.... The Dark Creatures!!
  • 'The Dark Creatures Rise' is pretty amazing.
  • 2013-09-01
  • Completed '20,000 Lums Under the Sea'. The boss battle was a bit light on gameplay, but it looked absolutely wonderful.
  • 2013-09-03
  • Completed 'Olympus Maximus'. Tricky shooty boss fight, visually somewhat reminiscent of the swarms of The Matrix Revolutions.
  • Completed the game. ... And that was the end of the game.
  • Got the Princess savior! achievement. - Rescued the 10 princesses.
  • Got the They're so cute! achievement. - Got 30 of the weird little creatures.
  • I have rescued 385/700 Teensies. 400 are required to unlock the 'Living Dead Party' bonus level.
  • Rescued 405/700 Teensies and unlocked the 'Living Dead Party'.

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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.3.4 2024-07-08