Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei (NES)

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Passwords / Cheat Codes

  • Level 5 save: UFKX3-UBLB5 RF3UC-DV5RV 3VKHW-0LTBU FF


  • Down on the D-pad turns the party around 180.
  • The Magic menu shows spells and amount of MP each spell cost. New spells are unlocked with character levels. 'Mappa' shows a minimap for a while, Medi recovers HP.
  • Talking to monsters can enrage them, convince them to flee (taking XP and money with them), or to join your party. This is easier during the new moon, if there is only 1 monster left, and with the WIS stat.
  • 'Megami Tensei' translates as 'Godess Reincarnation'.

Log entries

  • I found a English patch for this, the first Megami Tensei game. The game doesn't seem to have an auto-map, so it's gonna be tricky for me to play.
  • Here is a summary of a description of the stats from AkemiNakajimaMT1 on Reddit:
    STR: Vitality, HP
    WIS: MP, negotiation ability with demons
    ATT: Strength, melee DMG
    AGI: initiative, accuracy, evasion
    LUK: crit rate, status recover, drop rate
    He suggests to focus on STR in the beginning
  • The gameplay is simple and movement is responsive. I like walking around the mazes and fighting monsters. However, even though the starting areas are tiny, I'm struggling with finding my way around. The lack of distinguishing features is a big problem, even with the map active. I wish they had made some subtle color variations in the walls, that would help me a lot.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19