PlayStation 2

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features

PlayStation 2

SCE Japan Studio 2000

Preferred Emulators

Windows: PCSX2
         very compatible, supports RetroAchievements


Title ↓Year ↓

69 games in database, 38 completed (55%). Year range: 2000-2008, median: 2004.
list - box art - screenshots

 Alien Hominid                                           The Behemoth                    PS2       2004                    C          1 logs
 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance                            Snowblind Studios               PS2       2001                               4 logs
 Burnout Dominator                                       Electronic Arts UK              PS2       2007                               1 logs
 Def Jam: Fight for NY                                   AKI Corporation                 PS2       2004         1 video               3 logs
 Devil May Cry                                           Capcom                          PS2       2001                               2 logs
 Devil May Cry 3                                         Capcom Production Studio 1      PS2       2005                    C         22 logs
 Final Fantasy X                                         Squaresoft                      PS2       2001                               1 logs
 Forbidden Siren 2                                       Project Siren                   PS2       2006                               1 logs
 God Hand                                                Clover Studio                   PS2       2006                               1 logs
 God of War                                              SCE Studio Santa Monica         PS2       2005                    C          1 logs
 God of War II                                           SCE Studio Santa Monica         PS2       2007                    C          1 logs
 Gradius V                                               Treasure                        PS2       2004                               8 logs
 Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec                                  Polyphony Digital               PS2       2001                               1 logs
 Grand Theft Auto III                                    DMA Design                      PS2       2001                               1 logs
 GrimGrimoire                                            Vanillaware                     PS2       2007                               1 logs
 Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy                    Naughty Dog                     PS2       2001                               1 logs
 King of Fighters: Maximum Impact                        SNK                             PS2       2004                    C  x 9     9 logs
 Legacy of Kain: Defiance                                Crystal Dynamics                PS2       2003                    C          1 logs
 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2                           Crystal Dynamics                PS2       2001                    C          1 logs
 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers                       Stormfront Studios              PS2       2002                               1 logs
 Manhunt                                                 DMA Design                      PS2       2003                               1 logs
 Metal Gear Solid 2                                      Konami                          PS2       2001  Nov                         13 logs
 Metal Gear Solid 3                                      Konami                          PS2       2004                    C          6 logs
 Monster Hunter                                          Capcom                          PS2       2004                               1 logs
 Mortal Kombat: Armageddon                               Midway                          PS2       2006                    C          3 logs
 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance                          Midway                          PS2       2002                    C  x 4     9 logs
 Mortal Kombat: Deception                                Midway                          PS2       2004                    C  x 2     4 logs
 Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks                            Paradox Development             PS2       2005                               2 logs
 Odin Sphere                                             Vanillaware                     PS2       2007                               1 logs
 Okami                                                   Clover Studio                   PS2       2006                    C          1 logs
 Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny                           Capcom                          PS2       2002                    C          2 logs
 Onimusha 3: Demon Siege                                 Capcom                          PS2       2004                    C  x 2     2 logs
 Onimusha: Warlords                                      Capcom                          PS2       2001                               2 logs
 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time                     Ubisoft Montreal                PS2       2003                    C          1 logs
 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within                        Ubisoft Montreal                PS2       2004                    C          2 logs
 R-Type Final                                            Irem                            PS2       2003         1 video    C  x 3     4 logs
 Raiden III                                              MOSS                            PS2       2005                    C          6 logs
 Ratchet & Clank                                         Insomniac                       PS2       2002                    C          1 logs
 Rayman: Revolution                                      Ubisoft                         PS2       2000                    C          1 logs
 Red Faction                                             Volition                        PS2       2001                               1 logs
 Resident Evil - Code: Veronica X                        Capcom                          PS2       2001                               1 logs
 Resident Evil 4                                         Capcom                          PS2       2005                    C  x 4    11 logs
 Rez                                                     United Game Artists             PS2       2001                    C          2 logs
 Shadow Tower Abyss                                      FromSoftware                    PS2       2003         2 videos              4 logs
 Shadow of the Colossus                                  Team Ico                        PS2       2005                    C          1 logs
 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4                           Atlus                           PS2       2008                               6 logs
 Shinobido: Way of the Ninja                             Acquire                         PS2       2005                               2 logs
 Silent Hill 2                                           Team Silent                     PS2       2001                    C          2 logs
 Silent Hill 3                                           Team Silent                     PS2       2003                    C          3 logs
 Silent Hill 4: The Room                                 Team Silent                     PS2       2004                    C  x 2    10 logs
 Soulcalibur II                                          Project Soul                    PS2       2003                    C          1 logs
 Soulcalibur III                                         Project Soul                    PS2       2005                    C          3 logs
 Street Fighter EX3                                      Arika                           PS2       2000                    C  x 2     3 logs
 Stuntman                                                Reflections                     PS2       2002                               1 logs
 TNA Impact!                                             Paradox Development             PS2       2008                               1 logs
 Tekken 4                                                Namco                           PS2       2002                    C          1 logs
 Tekken 5                                                Namco                           PS2       2005                    C  x 2     9 logs
 Tekken Tag Tournament                                   Namco                           PS2       2000                    C  x 2     7 logs
 Tenchu: Fatal Shadows                                   FromSoftware                    PS2       2004                    C          1 logs
 Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven                                 K2 LLC                          PS2       2003         2 videos   C          9 logs
 The Simpsons: Hit & Run                                                                 PS2       2003                               1 logs
 The Thing                                                                               PS2       2002                               1 logs
 TimeSplitters 2                                         Free Radical Design             PS2       2002                    C  x 3     7 logs
 Viewtiful Joe                                           Clover Studio                   PS2       2004                    C          1 logs
 Viewtiful Joe 2                                         Clover Studio                   PS2       2004                    C          1 logs
 War of the Monsters                                     Incognito Entertainment         PS2       2003                               1 logs
 Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior                          Kuju Entertainment              PS2       2003                    C          2 logs
 We Love Katamari                                        Namco                           PS2       2005                               1 logs
 Worms 3D                                                Team17                          PS2       2004                               1 logs


Def Jam: Fight for NY (PlayStation 2)


R-Type Final (PlayStation 2)

Baby Difficulty NO SOUND

Shadow Tower Abyss (PlayStation 2)

Deep Forest

Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PlayStation 2)

Punish The Evil Merchant
Gohda Castle

    69 games, mode:list, tag id:16, sortby:title,
    url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true)

  execution time:
   output_game_list: 2.57s
   get_all_entries : 0.22s
   developer       : 0.05s
   system          : 0.00s
   entries         : 0.17s


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.4 2025-01-13