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Collections of Videos

Date     : 2024-12-11
Entry ID : 16542

An overview of some of the larger collections of Syltefar game recordings, including recordings of the Resident Evil series, the FromSoftware games, the Metal Gear series, Street Fighter, and more.


Title Description Playlist/Video
MiSTer Videos of old games running on MiSTer FPGA Playlist
PlayStation Peek Quick looks at new PlayStation games Playlist
Xbox Game Pass-through Quick looks at Xbox Game Pass games Playlist
Arcade Games Playlist
Base Attack Base attack games Playlist
Full Playthroughs Playlist
Shoot 'em ups Also known as Shmups or STGs Playlist

Resident Evil

Resident Evil: Director's Cut

Title Platform Playlist/Video
Resident Evil: Director's Cut PSX Resident Evil: Director's Cut
Resident Evil Survivor PSX RE Survivor 1
Resident Evil Zero PS4 Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil Revelations 2 PS4 Short session with AVM
Resident Evil (PS4) PS4 Resident Evil Playthrough
Resident Evil 2 (PS4) PS4 Resident Evil 2 Claire Playthrough
Resident Evil 2 Leon Playthrough
Resident Evil 2 Bonus Modes
Resident Evil 3 (PS4) PS4 Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 4 (Oculus) Oculus Resident Evil 4 on Oculus Quest
Resident Evil 7 PS4 Normal difficulty
Madhouse difficulty
Full Runs
Resident Evil Village PS5 Resident Evil Village Playthrough
RE Village NG+ Hardcore
RE Village NG+2 Village of Shadows
Resident Evil 4 (PS5) PS5 Resident Evil 4 (PS5) Demo

FromSoftware Games


Title Platform Playlist/Video
King's Field PSX MiSTer PSX Test
King's Field II PSX MiSTer PSX Test
Shadow Tower Abyss PS2 Shadow Tower Abyss
Dark Souls Windows Dark Souls Moon Quest
Dark Souls III PS4 Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III NG+
Dark Souls III Incineron
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin PS4 Dark Souls II
Bloodborne PS4 Bloodborne
PS4 Bloodborne NG+
Sekiro PS4 Sekiro
Demon's Souls PS5 Templor
Elden Ring PS5 Elden Ring Playthrough
PS5 Chronicles of the Fist

Metal Gear and Death Stranding

Metal Gear Solid

Title Platform Playlist/Video
Metal Gear MSX Metal Gear
Metal Gear Solid PSX Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2 360 Metal Gear Solid 2
MGS: Peace Walker 360 MGS: Peace Walker
MGSV: Ground Zeroes PS4 MGSV: Ground Zeroes
MGSV: The Phantom Pain PS4 MGSV: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Survive XB1 Metal Gear Survive
Death Stranding PS4 Death Stranding

Street Fighter

Street Fighter Alpha 2

Title Platform Playlist/Video
Street Fighter I-II Series Arcade Playlist
Street Fighter Alpha Series Arcade Playlist
Street Fighter EX 2 Plus PSX Ryu Playthrough
Street Fighter EX 2 Plus PSX Versus Mode
Street Fighter III Series Arcade Playlist
Street Fighter V PS4 Playlist
Street Fighter 6 PS5 Playlist
Street Fighter: The Movie PSX Guile Playthrough
Street Fighter: The Movie PSX Ryu Playthrough

DOOM, Wolfenstein, and Friends

DOOM Eternal

Title Platform Playlist/Video
DOOM PS4 Ultra-violence
Doom Eternal PS4 Doom Eternal (PS4)
Doom 64 PS4 Live Stream
Maps 1-4
DoomRL Win Tactical Errors
18304 Killed by an Imp
Wolfenstein II PS4 Wolfenstein II (PS4)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood PS4 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: Youngblood XB1 Xbox Game Pass-through 1
Xbox Game Pass-through 2
Blood DOS Live stream
Prodeus XB1 Prodeus
Show source


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11