Multidirectional shoot 'em up

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Multidirectional shoot 'em up

Multidirectional shoot 'em ups allow the player shoot in all directions. They include dual-joystick / twin stick shooters.

tag   : #multishmup
games : 133


Title ↓System ↓Year ↓

133 games in database, 22 completed (17%). Year range: 1971-2024, median: 1996.
list - box art - screenshots

 Computer Space                                          Syzygy Engineering              Arcade    1971                               1 logs
 Asteroids                                               Atari                           Arcade    1979  Nov    2 videos              9 logs
 Berzerk                                                 Stern Electronics               Arcade    1980         1 video               4 logs
 Space Dungeon                                           Taito                           Arcade    1981                               2 logs
 Vanguard                                                TOSE                            Arcade    1981                               4 logs
 Bosconian                                               Namco                           Galaga    1981         1 video               1 logs
 Mars                                                    Artic Electronics               Scramble  1981         1 video               2 logs
 Robotron: 2084                                          Williams                        Arcade    1982         1 video              11 logs
 Gravitar                                                Atari                           Arcade    1982         1 video               2 logs
 Time Pilot                                              Konami                          Arcade    1982         1 video               1 logs
 Food Fight                                              General Computer Corporation    Arcade    1983                               1 logs
 Mad Planets                                             Gottlieb                        Arcade    1983                               1 logs
 Black Widow                                             Atari                           Arcade    1983         2 videos              3 logs
 Cloak & Dagger                                          Atari                           Arcade    1983                               1 logs
 Regulus                                                                                 SS1       1983                               3 logs
 Crater Raider                                           Midway                          Arcade    1984                               1 logs
 Inferno                                                 Williams                        Arcade    1984                               1 logs
 Commando                                                Capcom                          Arcade    1985         1 video               2 logs
 Warpman                                                 Namco                           NES       1985                               1 logs
 Sega Ninja                                                                              SS1       1985                               2 logs
 Commando                                                Capcom                          NES       1986                               1 logs
 Rambo: First Blood Part II                                                              SMS       1986                               2 logs
 Ikari Warriors                                          SNK                             Arcade    1986                               2 logs
 Heavy Barrel                                            Data East                       Arcade    1987                               1 logs
 Trick Trap                                              Konami                          Arcade    1987         1 video               3 logs
 Bullet                                                  Sega                            System16  1987                               2 logs
 Guerrilla War                                           SNK                             Arcade    1987                               1 logs
 Blazer                                                                                  Namcosys  1987                               1 logs
 Guerrilla War                                           SNK                             NES       1988                    C          3 logs
 Alien Syndrome                                          Sega                            NES       1988                               1 logs
 Rambo III                                               Sega                            GEN       1988                               2 logs
 Ebonstar                                                The Dreamers Guild              Amiga     1988                               1 logs
 Märchen Maze                                            N.H. System                     Namcosys  1988                               1 logs
 Cosmic Pirate                                           Zippo Games                     Amiga     1989                               1 logs
 Netherworld                                             Imagitec                        Amiga     1989                               1 logs
 Thunder Force II                                        Technosoft                      GEN       1989                               5 logs
 SAR: Search and Rescue                                  SNK                             Arcade    1989  Mar    1 video    C          1 logs
 Herzog Zwei                                             Technosoft                      GEN       1989         1 video               5 logs
 Quartz                                                                                  Amiga     1989                               1 logs
 AWESOME                                                 Reflections                     Amiga     1990                               2 logs
 New York Warriors                                       Synergistic Software            Amiga     1990                               2 logs
 Out Zone                                                Toaplan                         Toaplan1  1990         2 videos   C          2 logs
 Crack Down                                              Sega                            GEN       1990         1 video               5 logs
 Bloody Wolf                                             Data East                       PCE       1990         1 video               1 logs
 Final Zone II                                                                           PCECD     1990                               2 logs
 Aurail                                                  Westone                         System16  1990         1 video               1 logs
 Granada                                                 Wolf Team                       GEN       1990                               4 logs
 Super Smash T.V.                                        Williams                        SNES      1991         1 video               4 logs
 Amnios                                                  Flying Chicken                  Amiga     1991         2 videos   C          6 logs
 Alien Breed                                             Team17                          Amiga     1991                               2 logs
 Zarathrusta                                             The Wiz Kidz                    Amiga     1991                               3 logs
 Metal Stoker                                            Sankido                         PCE       1991         1 video               1 logs
 Llamatron: 2112                                         Llamasoft                       Amiga     1991                               1 logs
 Gain Ground                                             Sega                            GEN       1991         2 videos              9 logs
 Mercs                                                   Capcom                          GEN       1991                               3 logs
 Predator 2                                              Perfect 10 Productions          GEN       1992                               3 logs
 DragonStrike                                            Westwood                        NES       1992                               1 logs
 Stardust                                                Bloodhouse                      Amiga     1993                               3 logs
 The Chaos Engine                                        The Bitmap Brothers             Amiga     1993                    C          2 logs
 Alien Breed II: The Horror Continues                    Team17                          Amiga     1993                               1 logs
 Gauntlet IV                                             Atari                           GEN       1993                               4 logs
 Pocky & Rocky                                           Natsume                         SNES      1993         1 video               4 logs
 The Firemen                                             Human Entertainment             SNES      1994         1 video               1 logs
 Skeleton Krew                                           Core Design                     Amiga     1995                               1 logs
 Loaded                                                  Gremlin                         PS        1995         1 video               3 logs
 Skeleton Krew                                           Core Design                     GEN       1995         1 video               3 logs
 Robotron: 2084                                          Digital Eclipse                 SNES      1996                               2 logs
 Overboard!                                              Psygnosis                       PS        1997                               2 logs
 Shock Troopers                                          Saurus                          Neogeo    1997                               1 logs
 The Lost World: Jurassic Park                           Novotrade International         GEN       1997                               1 logs
 Apocalypse                                              Neversoft Entertainment         PS        1998                    C         18 logs
 Centipede                                               Leaping Lizard Software         PS        1998                               1 logs
 Asteroids                                                                               PS        1998                               1 logs
 Expendable                                              Rage Software                   PS        1999         1 video               1 logs
 Chiisana Kyojin Microman                                                                PS        1999         1 video               1 logs
 Starfighter Sanvein                                     Success                         PS        2000                               2 logs
 Medal of Honor: Infiltrator                             Netherock                       GBA       2003                               2 logs
 Mutant Storm Reloaded                                   PomPom Games                    360       2005                    C          5 logs
 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved                            Raising Hell Software           360       2005                               2 logs
 Killzone: Liberation                                    Guerrilla Games                 PSP       2006                               1 logs
 Mutant Storm Empire                                     PomPom Games                    360       2007                    C          1 logs
 Super Stardust HD                                       Housemarque                     PS3       2007                               2 logs
 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2                          Raising Hell Software           360       2008                               1 logs
 PowerUp Forever                                                                         360       2008                               1 logs
 Zombie Apocalypse                                       Nihilistic Software             360       2009                               2 logs
 Alien Breed Evolution                                   Team17                          360       2009                    C          2 logs
 Alien Swarm                                             Valve                           Win       2010                               1 logs
 Alien Breed 2: Assault                                  Team17                          PS3       2010                               1 logs
 Gatling Gears                                           W!Games                         360       2011                    C         12 logs
 Voxatron                                                Lexaloffle Games                Win       2011                    C          4 logs
 Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team                             Juice Games                     360       2011                    M  ***    11 logs
 Nano Assault Neo                                        Shin'en Multimedia              WIIU      2012                               4 logs
 Bloodlands                                                                              Win       2012                               1 logs
 Teleglitch                                                                              Win       2012                               4 logs
 Hotline Miami                                           Dennaton Games                  Win       2012                               3 logs
 Alien Breed                                             Team17                          PS3       2013                    C  x 3     6 logs
 Halo: Spartan Assault                                                                   XB1       2013         1 video               1 logs
 Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions                                                             PS4       2014         3 videos              5 logs
 Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition                         Climax Studios                  PS4       2014         2 videos   C          7 logs
 Hotline Miami                                                                           PS4       2014                               1 logs
 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth                           Edmund McMillen                 PS4       2014                               2 logs
 AirMech Arena                                           Carbon Games                    360       2014                              11 logs
 Helldivers                                              Arrowhead                       PS4       2015        13 videos   C         32 logs
 Nuclear Throne                                          Vlambeer                        Win       2015                               1 logs
 Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation                          Whalegun                        Win       2015                               2 logs
 Ultratron                                               Puppy Games                     PS4       2015                               5 logs
 Helldivers                                              Arrowhead                       Win       2015                               1 logs
 Gauntlet                                                Arrowhead                       PS4       2015         8 videos   C         10 logs
 AirMech Arena                                           Carbon Games                    PS4       2015         1 video               2 logs
 Super Stardust Ultra                                    Housemarque                     PS4       2015         4 videos              5 logs
 Alienation                                              Housemarque                     PS4       2016        17 videos   C  x 2    18 logs
 Dogos                                                   OPQAM                           PS4       2016         3 videos              2 logs
 THOTH                                                   Carlsen Games                   Win       2016         3 videos   C  x 2     8 logs
 Enter the Gungeon                                                                       Win       2016                               1 logs
 Neon Chrome                                             10tons                          XB1       2016         1 video               1 logs
 Nex Machina                                             Housemarque                     PS4       2017         5 videos   C  x 2     9 logs
 Iron Crypticle                                          Confused Pelican Software       PS4       2017         5 videos              8 logs
 Cryptark                                                Alientrap                       PS4       2017         2 videos              4 logs
 Gift of Parthax                                                                         Win       2018                               3 logs
 THOTH                                                   Carlsen Games                   NSW       2019         1 video    C          4 logs
 Xeno Crisis                                             Bitmap Bureau                   GEN       2019         2 videos              7 logs
 Colt Canyon                                             Retrific                        XB1       2020         1 video               1 logs
 The Ascent                                              Neon Giant                      XSX       2021        16 videos   M  ***    19 logs
 Mutants from the Deep                                   Locomalito                      Win       2021         1 video               1 logs
 Black Widow: Recharged                                  Adamvision Studios              PS5       2021                               3 logs
 Vampire Survivors                                                                       Win       2021         1 video               7 logs
 Devastator                                                                              PS5       2021                    C          2 logs
 Vampire Survivors                                                                       XSX       2022                              12 logs
 Gravitar: Recharged                                                                     PS5       2022                               1 logs
 Nidus                                                   Caleb Wood                      Win       2024                               3 logs
 Hauntii                                                 Moonloop Games                  XSX       2024                               1 logs
 Go Mecha Ball                                           Whale Peak Games                XSX       2024                               1 logs
 Elfazar's Hat                                                                           Ufo50     2024                               1 logs


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.6.0 2024-12-02