140 Carlsen Games PS4 2016 3 videos C 4 logs Absolver Sloclap PS4 2018 1 logs Abzu PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown PS4 2019 15 videos C 18 logs Aces of the Luftwaffe PS4 2015 1 video 1 logs Agony PS4 2018 2 logs Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition PS4 2014 1 video 2 logs AirMech Arena Carbon Games PS4 2015 1 video 2 logs Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly PS4 2014 3 videos 12 logs Alienation Housemarque PS4 2016 17 videos C x 2 18 logs Alumette PS4 2016 1 logs Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs The Chinese Room PS4 2016 1 logs Amplitude Harmonix PS4 2016 1 logs Anthem BioWare PS4 2019 1 video 1 logs Apex Legends Respawn PS4 2019 1 video 2 logs Aragami PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Arcade Archives DARIUS Taito PS4 2022 1 video 4 logs Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry PS4 2014 1 video 2 logs Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Ubisoft Montreal PS4 2013 14 videos C 16 logs Assetto Corsa PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Astro Bot Rescue Mission PS4 2018 1 logs Atari Flashback Vol.1 PS4 2016 1 logs Atomicrops Bird Bath Games PS4 2020 3 logs Axiom Verge Thomas Happ Games PS4 2015 2 videos C 12 logs Batman: Arkham Knight Rocksteady PS4 2015 11 videos C 10 logs Battlefield 1 Digital Illusions PS4 2016 6 videos C 7 logs Battlefield 4 Digital Illusions PS4 2013 3 logs Battlefield V Digital Illusions PS4 2018 2 videos 2 logs Battlezone Rebellion PS4 2016 1 logs BioShock 2 PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Blasphemous The Game Kitchen PS4 2019 22 videos C 28 logs BlazBlue: Chronoph. Extend Arc System Works PS4 2015 3 videos C x 3 5 logs Blood Bowl 2 PS4 2015 1 logs Bloodborne FromSoftware PS4 2015 52 videos M *** 106 logs Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Inti Creates PS4 2018 4 videos C x 3 10 logs Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 PS4 2020 3 logs Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night ArtPlay PS4 2019 1 logs Borderlands 2 PS4 2015 1 video 1 logs Borderlands 3 PS4 2019 5 videos 7 logs Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 2K Australia PS4 2015 1 video 1 logs Bound PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Bound by Flame PS4 2014 1 video 1 logs Broforce Free Lives PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Sledgehammer Games PS4 2014 3 logs Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Treyarch PS4 2018 1 logs Call of Duty: Black Ops III Treyarch PS4 2015 13 videos C 23 logs Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Infinity Ward PS4 2016 3 logs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Infinity Ward PS4 2019 49 videos C 41 logs Call of Duty: WWII Sledgehammer Games PS4 2017 1 logs Capcom Arcade Stadium PS4 2021 2 logs Capcom B.E.U. Bundle PS4 2018 1 logs Chasm Bit Kid PS4 2018 1 logs Chimparty NapNok Games PS4 2018 1 video 2 logs Cocoon Geometric Interactive PS4 2023 M *** 1 logs Code Vein Namco PS4 2019 1 video 1 logs Control Remedy Entertainment PS4 2019 12 videos C 13 logs Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Vicarious Visions PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Cryptark Alientrap PS4 2017 2 videos 4 logs Cuphead PS4 2020 4 logs Curse of the Dead Gods Passtech Games PS4 2021 3 videos 11 logs DC Universe Online Sony Online Entertainment PS4 2013 1 logs Dandara PS4 2018 1 video 1 logs Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours Pyramid PS4 2015 C x 2 3 logs Dark Souls II: SotFS FromSoftware PS4 2015 32 videos C 52 logs Dark Souls III FromSoftware PS4 2016 88 videos C x 4 113 logs Darkest Dungeon Red Hook Studios PS4 2016 4 videos 6 logs Darksiders III Gunfire Games PS4 2018 1 logs Darkwood PS4 2017 1 logs Days Gone Eidetic PS4 2019 3 logs Dead Cells Motion Twin PS4 2018 25 videos 35 logs Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition Climax Studios PS4 2014 2 videos C 7 logs Death Stranding Kojima Productions PS4 2019 38 videos C 45 logs Destiny Bungie PS4 2014 6 logs Destiny 2 Bungie PS4 2017 8 videos C 9 logs Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Eidos Montreal PS4 2016 9 videos C 15 logs Devil May Cry 5 Capcom PS4 2019 3 videos 4 logs Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Blizzard Entertainment PS4 2014 14 videos C 18 logs Dig Dug Namco PS4 2016 1 video 5 logs Dirt Rally Codemasters PS4 2015 11 videos 14 logs Dirt Rally 2.0 Codemasters PS4 2019 1 video 5 logs DmC Devil May Cry Capcom PS4 2015 1 video C 2 logs Dogos OPQAM PS4 2016 3 videos 2 logs Don't Starve Klei Entertainment PS4 2014 3 logs Doom id Software PS4 2016 19 videos C 21 logs Doom 3 PS4 2019 2 logs Doom 64 PS4 2020 1 video 1 logs Doom Eternal id Software PS4 2020 14 videos C 21 logs Downwell Moppin PS4 2016 4 videos 6 logs Dragon Age: Inquisition BioWare PS4 2014 1 logs Dragon Ball FighterZ Arc System Works PS4 2018 3 videos C x 7 10 logs Dragon Ball Xenoverse Dimps PS4 2015 1 logs Dreadnought PS4 2017 1 logs Dreams Media Molecule PS4 2020 3 logs Driveclub: PlayStation Plus Edition Evolution Studios PS4 2015 3 videos 6 logs Dying Light Techland PS4 2015 17 videos C 18 logs EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone PS4 2017 1 video 2 logs Earth Defense Force 4.1 Sandlot PS4 2015 23 videos C 19 logs Earth Defense Force 5 Sandlot PS4 2019 3 videos 5 logs Elite: Dangerous Frontier Developments PS4 2017 2 videos 4 logs Entwined PixelOpus PS4 2014 1 logs Erica PS4 2019 2 logs Everspace Rockfish Games PS4 2017 13 videos 16 logs Everybody's Gone to the Rapture The Chinese Room PS4 2015 1 logs Everything David OReilly PS4 2017 1 logs Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout PS4 2020 1 video 2 logs Fallout 4 Bethesda Game Studios PS4 2015 8 videos 8 logs Fallout 76 Bethesda Game Studios PS4 2018 3 videos 7 logs Far Cry: Primal PS4 2016 3 logs Fez PS4 2014 2 logs Final Fantasy VII Remake Squaresoft PS4 2020 Apr 2 videos 6 logs Final Fantasy XV Squaresoft PS4 2016 1 logs Flame Over PS4 2015 1 logs Flower Thatgamecompany PS4 2013 1 logs For Honor Ubisoft Montreal PS4 2017 1 logs Frantics NapNok Games PS4 2018 1 video 2 logs Furi The Game Bakers PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Futuridium EP Deluxe PS4 2014 1 video 2 logs Gal*Gun: Double Peace PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Galaga Namco PS4 2016 4 videos 4 logs Galak-Z: The Dimensional PS4 2015 1 logs Gauntlet Arrowhead PS4 2015 8 videos C 10 logs Genshin Impact PS4 2020 1 video 1 logs Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions PS4 2014 3 videos 5 logs Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Capcom PS4 2021 2 logs Goat Simulator Coffee Stain Studios PS4 2015 1 logs God of War SCE Studio Santa Monica PS4 2018 25 videos C 18 logs Granblue Fantasy: Versus Arc System Works PS4 2020 2 videos C x 5 7 logs Grim Fandango Remastered Lucasfilm Games PS4 2015 1 logs Grow Home PS4 2015 2 videos C 2 logs Guacamelee! PS4 2014 Jul 1 video 1 logs Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Arc System Works PS4 2014 2 videos C x 7 10 logs Harmonix Music VR PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Helldivers Arrowhead PS4 2015 13 videos C 32 logs Here They Lie PS4 2016 1 logs Hitman PS4 2017 1 logs Hitman 2 IO Interactive PS4 2018 1 video 1 logs Hohokum PS4 2014 1 logs Hollow Knight Team Cherry PS4 2018 23 videos C 41 logs Horizon Chase Turbo Aquiris Game Studio PS4 2018 11 videos C 8 logs Horizon Zero Dawn Guerrilla Games PS4 2017 33 videos C 21 logs Hotline Miami PS4 2014 1 logs Hyper Light Drifter Heart Machine PS4 2016 1 video 4 logs Hyper Sentinel PS4 2018 2 videos C 4 logs Infamous: Second Son Sucker Punch PS4 2014 C 8 logs Injustice PS4 2013 1 logs Inside Playdead PS4 2016 M *** 5 logs Inside My Radio PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Invasion! PS4 2016 2 logs Invisible, Inc. Klei Entertainment PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Iron Crypticle Confused Pelican Software PS4 2017 5 videos 8 logs Just Cause 3 Avalanche Studios PS4 2015 1 video 2 logs Killzone: Shadow Fall Guerrilla Games PS4 2013 C 8 logs Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning PS4 2020 1 logs Knack SCE Japan Studio PS4 2013 1 video 1 logs Knights and Bikes PS4 2019 2 logs LEGO City Undercover PS4 2017 1 video 1 logs LEGO Harry Potter Collection PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Layers of Fear Bloober Team PS4 2016 1 logs Lego Worlds Traveller's Tales PS4 2017 15 videos 13 logs Let It Die Grasshopper Manufacture PS4 2016 4 videos 15 logs Limbo Playdead PS4 2014 1 video 1 logs Little Mouse's Encyclopedia Circus Atos PS4 2023 3 logs Lone Survivor PS4 2014 1 logs Lords of the Fallen CI Games PS4 2014 6 videos C 7 logs Mad Max Avalanche Studios PS4 2015 12 videos C 16 logs Magicka 2 Pieces Interactive PS4 2015 1 video 1 logs Maldita Castilla EX Locomalito PS4 2017 5 videos C 6 logs Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite PS4 2017 3 videos C x 4 8 logs Marvel's Spider-Man Insomniac PS4 2018 2 logs MediEvil PS4 2019 1 video 1 logs MGS5: Ground Zeroes Kojima Productions PS4 2014 4 videos C x 2 12 logs MGS5: The Phantom Pain Kojima Productions PS4 2015 32 videos C x 2 67 logs Metal Gear Survive Konami PS4 2018 1 video 1 logs Metro: 2033 Redux 4A Games PS4 2014 5 videos C 6 logs Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Monolith PS4 2014 3 videos C 14 logs Middle-earth: Shadow of War Monolith PS4 2017 15 videos 9 logs Mighty No. 9 Comcept PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Mirror's Edge Catalyst Digital Illusions PS4 2016 1 logs Monster Hunter: World PS4 2018 1 video 1 logs Mortal Kombat 11 NetherRealm Studios PS4 2019 24 videos C x 14 30 logs Mortal Kombat X NetherRealm Studios PS4 2015 15 videos C x 38 53 logs Mortal Shell Cold Symmetry PS4 2020 11 videos C 12 logs Moss PS4 2018 1 logs NBA 2K16 Visual Concepts PS4 2015 1 video 11 logs NBA 2K20 PS4 2019 1 logs Need for Speed Ghost Games PS4 2015 1 video 2 logs Need for Speed Heat Ghost Games PS4 2019 5 logs Need for Speed Rivals PS4 2013 1 video 1 logs Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Remastered PS4 2020 1 logs Never Alone PS4 2014 1 video C 2 logs Nex Machina Housemarque PS4 2017 5 videos C x 2 9 logs Nidhogg Messhof PS4 2014 C 5 logs Nidhogg 2 Messhof PS4 2017 4 videos C x 3 14 logs NieR: Automata Platinum Games PS4 2017 9 videos 8 logs Nioh Team Ninja PS4 2017 14 videos 20 logs No Man's Sky Hello Games PS4 2016 6 videos 10 logs Nova-111 Funktronic Labs PS4 2015 2 logs Observer Bloober Team PS4 2017 C 3 logs Othercide Lightbulb Crew PS4 2020 2 videos 2 logs Outlast Red Barrels PS4 2014 2 logs Overcooked Ghost Town Games PS4 2016 4 videos 6 logs Overwatch PS4 2016 2 logs P.T. Kojima Productions PS4 2014 2 logs PGA Tour 2K21 PS4 2020 2 videos 3 logs Pac-Man Namco PS4 2016 2 logs Pac-Man 256 Hipster Whale PS4 2016 3 logs Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Bandai Namco Games PS4 2016 6 videos 9 logs Paper Beast Pixel Reef PS4 2020 2 videos C 4 logs Paragon Epic Games PS4 2016 1 video 1 logs Path of Exile Grinding Gear Games PS4 2019 9 videos 4 logs Persona 5 PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Pinball Arcade FarSight Studios PS4 2013 C 28 logs Pinball FX 3 Zen Studios PS4 2017 1 video 3 logs Pinball FX2 VR PS4 2017 1 video 1 logs Pix the Cat Pastagames PS4 2014 2 logs Planet Alpha Planet Alpha ApS PS4 2018 1 video 1 logs PvZ: Battle for Neighborville PS4 2019 3 logs Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare PopCap PS4 2014 2 videos C x 5 15 logs PSVR Worlds SCE London Studio PS4 2016 1 video 4 logs Polybius Llamasoft PS4 2017 2 videos 5 logs Predator: Hunting Grounds PS4 2020 1 logs Project CARS Slightly Mad Studios PS4 2015 4 videos 4 logs Pure Pool VooFoo Studios PS4 2014 4 logs Puyo Puyo Tetris Sonic Team PS4 2014 5 videos C 22 logs Q*bert Rebooted Sideline Amusements PS4 2015 1 video 2 logs R-Type Final 2 Granzella PS4 2021 6 videos C x 2 19 logs Rain World Videocult PS4 2017 2 logs Ratchet & Clank Insomniac PS4 2016 4 videos 1 logs Rebel Galaxy Outlaw PS4 2019 2 videos 1 logs Remnant: From the Ashes PS4 2019 26 videos C 25 logs Resident Evil Capcom PS4 2014 12 videos C 21 logs Resident Evil 2 Capcom PS4 2019 23 videos C x 3 27 logs Resident Evil 3 Capcom PS4 2020 8 videos C 10 logs Resident Evil 5 Capcom PS4 2016 5 logs Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Capcom PS4 2017 33 videos M *** 84 logs Resident Evil Revelations 2 Capcom PS4 2015 1 video 5 logs Resident Evil Zero Capcom PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Resogun Housemarque PS4 2013 2 logs Retro City Rampage DX PS4 2014 1 logs Rez Infinite United Game Artists PS4 2016 3 videos C x 2 6 logs Rigs Mechanized Combat League Millennium Interactive PS4 2016 1 logs Rise of the Tomb Raider Crystal Dynamics PS4 2015 2 logs Risk of Rain 2 Hopoo Games PS4 2020 1 video 2 logs Road Not Taken SpryFox PS4 2014 3 logs Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut Tikipod PS4 2015 1 video 2 logs Rocket League Psyonix PS4 2015 1 video 10 logs SNK 40th Col. Digital Eclipse PS4 2019 3 logs Salt and Sanctuary Ska Studios PS4 2016 2 videos 5 logs Samurai Shodown SNK PS4 2019 1 video C 2 logs Samurai Shodown V Special PS4 2017 1 video C 2 logs Sayonara Wild Hearts PS4 2019 C 4 logs Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice FromSoftware PS4 2019 60 videos 70 logs Shadow of the Beast Heavy Spectrum PS4 2016 C 5 logs Shadow of the Beast PS4 2016 1 video C 1 logs Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Vine PS4 2021 1 video 1 logs Slain: Back from Hell PS4 2016 1 video 3 logs Sniper Elite 4 Rebellion PS4 2017 8 videos C 9 logs SnowRunner PS4 2020 12 videos 12 logs Sol Cresta PS4 2022 1 logs Soma Frictional Games PS4 2015 5 videos M *** 10 logs Sonic Mania PS4 2017 3 logs Soulcalibur VI Project Soul PS4 2018 8 videos C x 3 9 logs Sparkle 2 10tons PS4 2014 1 video 2 logs Spelunky Mossmouth PS4 2014 8 videos C 16 logs Spelunky 2 PS4 2020 21 videos C 37 logs Spirit of the North PS4 2019 1 logs Splitgate PS4 2021 1 video 2 logs Sportsfriends PS4 2014 2 logs Star Child PS4 2018 1 logs Star Wars Battlefront II Digital Illusions PS4 2017 5 videos 8 logs Star Wars: Squadrons PS4 2020 7 videos 17 logs SteamWorld Dig Image & Form PS4 2014 C 4 logs SteamWorld Dig 2 Image & Form PS4 2017 6 videos C 7 logs Stick It to the Man! Zoink Games PS4 2014 3 logs SF 30th Anniv. Coll. Digital Eclipse PS4 2018 2 logs Street Fighter V Capcom PS4 2016 14 videos C x 11 23 logs Street Fighter V: CE PS4 2020 4 videos C x 7 11 logs Strider Double Helix PS4 2014 2 videos 7 logs Styx: Master of Shadows PS4 2014 1 logs Subnautica PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Super Hydorah Locomalito PS4 2017 7 videos 12 logs Super HyperCube Kokoromi PS4 2016 2 logs Super Mutant Alien Assault PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Super Stardust Ultra Housemarque PS4 2015 4 videos 5 logs Table Top Racing: World Tour PS4 2016 1 logs Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! Bandai Namco Games PS4 2017 2 logs Team Sonic Racing Sumo Digital PS4 2019 1 video 2 logs Tekken 7 Bandai Namco Games PS4 2017 10 videos M *** 22 logs Tetris Effect Resonair PS4 2018 10 videos C x 2 20 logs The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Edmund McMillen PS4 2014 2 logs The Eternal Castle Remastered Leonard Menchiari PS4 2021 1 video 1 logs The Evil Within Tango Gameworks PS4 2014 6 videos 7 logs Van Helsing III NeocoreGames PS4 2020 2 logs The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing PS4 2017 2 logs The King of Fighters 2000 SNK PS4 2016 1 logs The King of Fighters XIV SNK PS4 2016 3 videos C x 4 9 logs The Last Guardian genDESIGN PS4 2016 2 logs The Last of Us Remastered Naughty Dog PS4 2014 7 videos C 12 logs The Order: 1886 Ready at Dawn PS4 2015 1 logs The Persistence PS4 2018 1 logs The Playroom VR SCE Japan Studio PS4 2016 2 videos 2 logs The Sinking City Frogwares PS4 2019 2 logs The Surge Deck13 PS4 2017 20 videos 27 logs The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt CD Projekt RED PS4 2015 2 logs The Witness Number None PS4 2016 3 videos 8 logs Thumper Drool PS4 2016 5 videos C 11 logs Tiny Trax FuturLab PS4 2017 1 logs Titan Attacks! Puppy Games PS4 2014 2 logs Titan Souls Acid Nerve PS4 2015 1 logs Titanfall 2 Respawn PS4 2016 6 videos C 6 logs Tom Clancy's The Division Massive Entertainment PS4 2016 1 logs TowerFall Ascension PS4 2014 4 logs TrackMania Turbo Nadeo PS4 2016 5 videos 4 logs Transformers: Devastation Platinum Games PS4 2015 2 videos C 4 logs Transistor Supergiant Games PS4 2014 1 logs Trials Fusion PS4 2014 C 4 logs Tricky Towers Weird Beard PS4 2016 4 logs Trine 2: Complete Story Frozenbyte PS4 2013 1 logs Tumble VR PS4 2016 1 logs Ultratron Puppy Games PS4 2015 5 logs Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Naughty Dog PS4 2016 3 logs Unrailed! Indoor Astronaut PS4 2020 1 video 7 logs Until Dawn Supermassive Games PS4 2015 C 4 logs Velocity 2X FuturLab PS4 2014 10 logs Victor Vran Haemimont Games PS4 2017 8 videos C 6 logs Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Sega PS4 2021 2 videos C x 3 7 logs Volgarr the Viking Crazy Viking Studios PS4 2016 1 logs WWE 2K Battlegrounds PS4 2020 1 logs War Thunder PS4 2013 1 logs War of the Monsters Incognito Entertainment PS4 2015 1 logs Warframe PS4 2013 3 logs W40k: Inquisitor - Martyr NeocoreGames PS4 2018 1 video 7 logs Warhammer: Chaosbane Eko Software PS4 2019 7 videos C 7 logs What Remains of Edith Finch Giant Sparrow PS4 2017 2 logs Wipeout Omega Collection Psygnosis PS4 2017 6 logs Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus MachineGames PS4 2017 13 videos C 19 logs Wolfenstein: The Old Blood MachineGames PS4 2015 5 videos C 5 logs Worbital Team Jolly Roger PS4 2019 1 video 3 logs Wreckfest Bugbear Entertainment PS4 2019 1 video 4 logs XCOM 2 PS4 2016 4 videos 6 logs Yakuza Kiwami Sega PS4 2016 1 video 2 logs Yoku's Island Express Villa Gorilla PS4 2018 5 videos C 5 logs Zen Pinball 2 Zen Studios PS4 2013 C 5 logs Ziggurat Milkstone Studios PS4 2015 2 logs Zombi Ubisoft Montpellier PS4 2015 1 logs Zombie Army 4: Dead War Rebellion PS4 2020 3 videos 7 logs flOw Thatgamecompany PS4 2013 4 logs
140 (PlayStation 4)
Abzu (PlayStation 4)
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PlayStation 4)
Aces of the Luftwaffe (PlayStation 4)
Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition (PlayStation 4)
AirMech Arena (PlayStation 4)
Alien: Isolation (PlayStation 4)
Alienation (PlayStation 4)
Anthem (PlayStation 4)
Apex Legends (PlayStation 4)
Aragami (PlayStation 4)
Arcade Archives DARIUS (PlayStation 4)
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry (PlayStation 4)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PlayStation 4)
Assetto Corsa (PlayStation 4)
Axiom Verge (PlayStation 4)
Batman: Arkham Knight (PlayStation 4)
Battlefield 1 (PlayStation 4)
Battlefield V (PlayStation 4)
BioShock 2 (PlayStation 4)
Blasphemous (PlayStation 4)
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend (PlayStation 4)
Bloodborne (PlayStation 4)
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (PlayStation 4)
Borderlands 2 (PlayStation 4)
Borderlands 3 (PlayStation 4)
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PlayStation 4)
Bound (PlayStation 4)
Bound by Flame (PlayStation 4)
Broforce (PlayStation 4)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PlayStation 4)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PlayStation 4)
Chimparty (PlayStation 4)
Code Vein (PlayStation 4)
Control (PlayStation 4)
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (PlayStation 4)
Cryptark (PlayStation 4)
Curse of the Dead Gods (PlayStation 4)
Dandara (PlayStation 4)
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PlayStation 4)
Dark Souls III (PlayStation 4)
Darkest Dungeon (PlayStation 4)
Dead Cells (PlayStation 4)
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PlayStation 4)
Death Stranding (PlayStation 4)
Destiny 2 (PlayStation 4)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PlayStation 4)
Devil May Cry 5 (PlayStation 4)
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition (PlayStation 4)
Dig Dug (PlayStation 4)
Dirt Rally (PlayStation 4)
Dirt Rally 2.0 (PlayStation 4)
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition (PlayStation 4)
Dogos (PlayStation 4)
Doom (PlayStation 4)
Doom 64 (PlayStation 4)
Doom Eternal (PlayStation 4)
Downwell (PlayStation 4)
Dragon Ball FighterZ (PlayStation 4)
Driveclub: PlayStation Plus Edition (PlayStation 4)
Dying Light (PlayStation 4)
EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone (PlayStation 4)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (PlayStation 4)
Earth Defense Force 5 (PlayStation 4)
Elite: Dangerous (PlayStation 4)
Everspace (PlayStation 4)
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout (PlayStation 4)
Fallout 4 (PlayStation 4)
Fallout 76 (PlayStation 4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PlayStation 4)
Frantics (PlayStation 4)
Furi (PlayStation 4)
Futuridium EP Deluxe (PlayStation 4)
Gal*Gun: Double Peace (PlayStation 4)
Galaga (PlayStation 4)
Gauntlet (PlayStation 4)
Genshin Impact (PlayStation 4)
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PlayStation 4)
God of War (PlayStation 4)
Granblue Fantasy: Versus (PlayStation 4)
Grow Home (PlayStation 4)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PlayStation 4)
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- (PlayStation 4)
Harmonix Music VR (PlayStation 4)
Helldivers (PlayStation 4)
Hitman 2 (PlayStation 4)
Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (PlayStation 4)
Horizon Chase Turbo (PlayStation 4)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PlayStation 4)
Hyper Light Drifter (PlayStation 4)
Hyper Sentinel (PlayStation 4)
Inside My Radio (PlayStation 4)
Invisible, Inc. (PlayStation 4)
Iron Crypticle (PlayStation 4)
Just Cause 3 (PlayStation 4)
Knack (PlayStation 4)
LEGO City Undercover (PlayStation 4)
LEGO Harry Potter Collection (PlayStation 4)
Lego Worlds (PlayStation 4)
Let It Die (PlayStation 4)
Limbo (PlayStation 4)
Lords of the Fallen (PlayStation 4)
Mad Max (PlayStation 4)
Magicka 2 (PlayStation 4)
Maldita Castilla EX (PlayStation 4)
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (PlayStation 4)
MediEvil (PlayStation 4)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PlayStation 4)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PlayStation 4)
Metal Gear Survive (PlayStation 4)
Metro: 2033 Redux (PlayStation 4)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PlayStation 4)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War (PlayStation 4)
Mighty No. 9 (PlayStation 4)
Monster Hunter: World (PlayStation 4)
Mortal Kombat 11 (PlayStation 4)
Mortal Kombat X (PlayStation 4)
Mortal Shell (PlayStation 4)
NBA 2K16 (PlayStation 4)
Need for Speed (PlayStation 4)
Need for Speed Rivals (PlayStation 4)
Never Alone (PlayStation 4)
Nex Machina (PlayStation 4)
Nidhogg 2 (PlayStation 4)
NieR: Automata (PlayStation 4)
Nioh (PlayStation 4)
No Man's Sky (PlayStation 4)
Othercide (PlayStation 4)
Overcooked (PlayStation 4)
PGA Tour 2K21 (PlayStation 4)
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 (PlayStation 4)
Paper Beast (PlayStation 4)
Paragon (PlayStation 4)
Path of Exile (PlayStation 4)
Persona 5 (PlayStation 4)
Pinball FX 3 (PlayStation 4)
Pinball FX2 VR (PlayStation 4)
Planet Alpha (PlayStation 4)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PlayStation 4)
PlayStation VR Worlds (PlayStation 4)
Polybius (PlayStation 4)
Project CARS (PlayStation 4)
Puyo Puyo Tetris (PlayStation 4)
Q*bert Rebooted (PlayStation 4)
R-Type Final 2 (PlayStation 4)
Ratchet & Clank (PlayStation 4)
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw (PlayStation 4)
Remnant: From the Ashes (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil 3 (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (PlayStation 4)
Resident Evil Zero (PlayStation 4)
Rez Infinite (PlayStation 4)
Risk of Rain 2 (PlayStation 4)
Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut (PlayStation 4)
Rocket League (PlayStation 4)
Salt and Sanctuary (PlayStation 4)
Samurai Shodown (PlayStation 4)
Samurai Shodown V Special (PlayStation 4)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PlayStation 4)
Shadow of the Beast (PlayStation 4)
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon (PlayStation 4)
Slain: Back from Hell (PlayStation 4)
Sniper Elite 4 (PlayStation 4)
SnowRunner (PlayStation 4)
Soma (PlayStation 4)
Soulcalibur VI (PlayStation 4)
Sparkle 2 (PlayStation 4)
Spelunky (PlayStation 4)
Spelunky 2 (PlayStation 4)
Splitgate (PlayStation 4)
Star Wars Battlefront II (PlayStation 4)
Star Wars: Squadrons (PlayStation 4)
SteamWorld Dig 2 (PlayStation 4)
Street Fighter V (PlayStation 4)
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition (PlayStation 4)
Strider (PlayStation 4)
Subnautica (PlayStation 4)
Super Hydorah (PlayStation 4)
Super Mutant Alien Assault (PlayStation 4)
Super Stardust Ultra (PlayStation 4)
Team Sonic Racing (PlayStation 4)
Tekken 7 (PlayStation 4)
Tetris Effect (PlayStation 4)
The Eternal Castle Remastered (PlayStation 4)
The Evil Within (PlayStation 4)
The King of Fighters XIV (PlayStation 4)
The Last of Us Remastered (PlayStation 4)
The Playroom VR (PlayStation 4)
The Surge (PlayStation 4)
The Witness (PlayStation 4)
Thumper (PlayStation 4)
Titanfall 2 (PlayStation 4)
TrackMania Turbo (PlayStation 4)
Transformers: Devastation (PlayStation 4)
Unrailed! (PlayStation 4)
Victor Vran (PlayStation 4)
Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown (PlayStation 4)
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr (PlayStation 4)
Warhammer: Chaosbane (PlayStation 4)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PlayStation 4)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PlayStation 4)
Worbital (PlayStation 4)
Wreckfest (PlayStation 4)
XCOM 2 (PlayStation 4)
Yakuza Kiwami (PlayStation 4)
Yoku's Island Express (PlayStation 4)
Zombie Army 4: Dead War (PlayStation 4)
ocdgamer.rb:364:output_game_list( 347 games, mode:list, tag id:34, sortby:title, url_arg_prefix:, output_list_selection:true) execution time: output_game_list: 22.18s get_all_entries : 0.09s developer : 0.16s system : 0.00s entries : 1.14s